ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003

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Subsoil use

Gavrishev S.E., Zalyadnov V.Yu., Kurochkin A.I., Melnik V.V., Pytalev I.A. Method of Managing the Parameters of a Mining System in the Dynamics of Mining Operations Development to Ensure the Sustainable Functioning of a Mining Enterprise in Changing Ma 5
Cheban A.Yu. Improved Technology for Development of Complex-Structural Placers With Separate Excavation and Processing of Sands 15
Gonchar N.V., Guman O.M., Pikalov V.A., Tereshina M.A. Implementation of the Principle of Environmentally Balanced Design in the Complex Development of Georesources (Based on the Example of the Development Projects of the Tominsky Mining and Processing P 23
Velikanov V.S., Chernukhin S.A., Telminov N.S., Dremin A.V., Lomovtseva N.V., Sitdikova S.V. On the Influence of the Granulometry of Blasted Rock Mass on the Stress Distribution in the Working Equipment of a Quarry Excavator 30
Grishin I.A., Degodya E.Yu., Gmyzina N.V., Kutlubaev I.М., Zoteev O.V. Study of the Influence of Grinding Intensifier Reagents on the Results of Grinding Gold Ore 44
Golovanchikov A.B., Zalipaeva O.A., Prokhorenko N.A., Merentsov N.A. Probability of combined capture of heavy and light particles in a settling tank 50
Tukin A.P. Physical and Mathematical Model of Gas Dynamic Separation of Granular Materials and Its Hardware and Software Implementation 60

Metal forming

Sidelnikov S.B., Lopatina E.S., Parubok A.V., Kuzin D.I., Experimental and Analytical Assessment of Feasibility and Energy-Power Parameters of Ingotless Rolling-Extrusion Process of Rods From AD31 Alloy Waste 70
Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Biryukova O.D., Baryshnikova A.M., Nosov L.V., Baryshnikov P.M. The Effect of Asymmetric Cold Rolling on the Technological Plasticity of Low-Carbon Steels 81
Kharitonov V.A., Usanov M.Yu., Lokotunina N.M., Pesin I.A., Melikhov E.D. Speed Asymmetry During Cold Rolling of Round Blanks in Cylindrical Rolls 89
Faifer I. N., Loginov Yu.N. Plastic Bending of a Round Sheet Blank of Variable Curvature 98

Material process engineering

Lerner М.М. Improvement of Technology and Equipment of Continuous Casting and Metal Deformation Machines 106
Nagimov R.Sh., Vafin R.K. Study of the Influence of Temperature and Duration of Ion Nitriding in an Arc Discharge on the Mechanical Characteristics of the Surface after Complex Ion-Plasma Treatment 111
Kazimirov D.Yu., Soler Y.I. Achive Surface Precision when Grinding Nitinol with High Transformation Temperatures 120

Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies

Shchegolkov A.V., Shchegolkov A.V., Zemtsova N.V., Nikulin P.N. Comparative Analysis of Organosilicon Elastomers Modified with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Produced by Microwave and CVD-Technology 134

Product quality management. Standardization. Industrial management

Vasin S.A., Antsev V.Yu., Trushin N.N., Fetisov M.N., Yurin D.S. Analysis of Design Work Quality Impact on the Production Planning Effectiveness at an Aircraft Manufacturing Enterprise 144
Lontsikh P.A., Fedotova A.V., Golovina E.Yu., Lontsikh N.P., Evloeva M.V. Improving the Network-Centric Concept in Enrichment Production 152

New technological processes and equipment

Kulikov A.D., Burlakov I.A., Petrov P.A., Polshkov P.A., Demetrashvili I.S. Shaping M1 Copper Sheet Blanks Using Tools Made of Polylactide PLA 163
Anosov M.S., Mantserov S.A., Klochkova N.S., Mikhailov A.M. Assessment and Diagnosis of Structural Degradation of NP-30HGSA Alloy Obtained by WAAM Using a Neural Network Model 171

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Subsoil use

Sokolov I.V., Antipin Yu.G., Nikitin I.V., Solomein Yu.M. Substantiation of a Rational Block Bottom Structure at a Combined Mining System of Shallow Deposits of Medium Capacity  5
Slavikovskaya Yu.O. Economic Assessment of Field Development Efficiency Factoring into the Use of Man-Caused Subsoil Voids  13
Bekbergenov D.K., Dzhangulova G.K., Zhanakova R.K., Abiev B.A. The Possibility of Repeated ore Extraction from Rooms and Pillars with Field Preparation in a Collapsed Zone with a Shift Trough of Deposits  22
Evdokimov S.I., Gerasimenko T.E., Gorlova O.E., Orekhova N.N. Development of a Bubble Size Measurement Method and System Under Conditions Simulating the Vapor-Air Flotation Mode  33

Foundry engineering

Yurov V.V., Tsyganov I.A., Pripadcheva N.A. Identification of Defects of Gas Nature in Parts Made of High-Strength Cast Iron with Spherical Graphite Manufactured According to the Lost Foam Casting Technology  43

Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals

Uzdieva N.S., Akhtaev S.S.-S., Aisungurov N.D. Formation of Semi-Continuously Cast Billets under Vibration  52

Metal forming

Radionova L.V., Gromov D.V., Faizov S.R., Lisovsky R.A., Zaramenskikh S.E., Glebov L.A. A Method for Calculating Energy and Power Parameters of Strip Rolling on Duo Mill 130  60

Material process engineering

Zaides S.A., Bui M.D., Ponomarev B.B. Straightening a Local Area of Cylindrical Parts before Rolling with Smooth Plates  71
Albov M.A., Akulinichev P.D., Goncharov A.A. Modern Methods for Producing Internal Cycloidal Helical Surfaces  81
Malkov O.V., Karelsky A.S. Calculation of Cutting Force when Machining Internal Threads with Thread Milling Cutters  92
Generalova A.A., Nikulin A.A., Bychkov D.S. Modeling the Texture of a Wavy Surface During Pulley Turning  101

Materials science and heat treatment of metals

Emelyushin A.N., Minenko S.S., Gromov V.E., Chapaikin A.S. Structure and Properties Of High Speed Steel R2M9YuAT after Surfacing and Tempering  113

Product quality management. Standardization. Industrial management

Vasin S.A., Fetisov M.N., Trushin N.N. Financial Incentives for Design Engineers of an Aircraft Manufacturing Company as a Tool for Ensuring the Design Activity Rhythmicity  121
Ivakhnenko A.G., Anikeeva O.V., Islamova O.V., Razumova A.I., Gulyaev K.A. Parametric Analysis of Structural Models of Interacting Processes Based on IDEF3 131
Maksimova O.V. Influence of Authoritarianism and Trust on the Structure of a Consensus Decision  140
Prytkova E.A., Davydov V.M. The Use of a Multi-Factor Analysis of Engineering Product Quality Indicators to Optimize Business Processes  152
Tretyakova V.A., Gorlacheva E.N. The Elaboration of the Flexible Production Program Planning System in Terms of the Public Procurement System  160

Modelling of metallurgical processes

Terentev D.V., Usanov M.Yu., Shemetova E.S., Platov S.I., Kharitonov V.A. Assessing the Stress and Strain State of Steel-Copper Wire Based on Modeling of Drawing in a Monolithic Die  170
Loginov Yu.N., Nepryakhin S.O., Isyakaev K.T. Simulation of Plate Rolling of the Aluminum Alloy with Options of Softening Processes  178

New technological processes and equipment

Kabaldin Yu.G., Anosov M.S., Chernigin M.A., Mordovina Yu.S. Neural Network Modeling Used to Assess the Effect of Metal Defects of Blanks Produced by Additive Methods on Strength Properties  188

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Subsoil use

Zalyadnov V.Yu. Assessing Sustainability of the Operation of the Mining System of Open Geotechnology Based on an Integral Indicator of Mining Capabilities 5
Cheban A.Yu. Resource-Saving Technology for Dump Formation Using a Modernized Spreader
Ivanov E.A. Monitoring of Disturbed Areas of the Earth Surface During Underground Mining  22
Kurochkin A.I., Gabbasov B.M., Podbolotov S.V., Usov I.G., Pikalov V.A., Gavrishev S.E. Increasing Efficiency of Performance of Hoisting Units Operating at Great Depths of Shaft Sinking and in Mining Operations 33
Cherskikh O.I., Minakov V.S., Dovzhenok A.S. Assessment of Preparedness of Conditions for Transportation at the Opencast Coal Mine 41
Evdokimov S.I., Gerasimenko T.E., Gorlova O.E., Orekhova N.N. Providing a Rationale for the Relationship Between Limit Interfacial Film Thickness and Slip of Liquid 49
Lavrinenko A.A., Golberg G.Yu. Current State and Areas of Improving Separation Processes for Suspensions of Coal Enrichment Products Using Flocculants  58
Ivanov A.G. Pressure Testing Methods for Production Strings of Process Wells of Uranium In-Situ Leaching  71

Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals

Erokhin Yu.V., Ponomarev V.S., Zakharov A.V. A Material Composition of Puddling Slags (Using the Example of the Verkhnesysertsky Plant, The Middle Urals)

Material process engineering

Sergeev Yu.S., Platov S.I., Sergeev S.V., Guzeev V.I., Puzankov M.S., Shadrin P.A., Kozlov A.V. Application of a Polarization Optical Method for Assessing Deformation and Force Characteristics when Cutting Tool Edges Penetrate Elastoviscoplastic Materia
Nguyen Huu Hai, Zaides S.A. Determination of Rational Reverse Burnishing Modes for Cylindrical Machine Parts
Deryabin I.P., Tokarev A.S. An Experimental Study on the Adequacy of a Mathematical Model for Calculating the Deflection of the Axes of Holes when Machining with Two Flute Countersinks
Petrov P.A., Burlakov I.A., Nguyen Khanh Toan, Vo Phan Thanh Dat Producing Hybrid Workpieces from Titanium Alloy OT4-1 by Hot Upsetting with Torsion
Pashkov A.E., Pashkov A.A., Isachenko A.S., Duk A.A., Rybak A.M. Study on a Fitting Process of Large-Sized Monolithic Panels 128
Rogov E.Yu., Ovsyannikov V.E., Kulemina A.A., Kovenskii I.M. Some Aspects of Process Quality Assurance of Roller Bearing Fit 139

Product quality management. standardization. industrial management

Golubchik E.M., Polyakova M.A. Development of Adaptive Principles of Metal Products Quality Management  145
Antipova T.N., Babkin D.S. Providing a Rationale for the Structure of Information Support for the Quality Management System of Metal Matrix Layered Composite Materials with Specific Consumer Properties 153
Khomyakov N.V. A Concept of Part Quality Virtual Control in Additive Manufacturing Based on a Digital Twin 163
Lontsikh P.A., Golovina E.Yu., Lontsikh N.P., Livshits I.I. Methods and Tools of Risk Management at a High-Tech Machine-Building Enterprise with Vibration Active Equipment 170
Narkevich M.Yu., Logunova O.S., Zhizhka V.N., Logunova T.V., Shaikhulina N.V. Practical Implementation of the Integrative Assessment Method for the Quality of Technical Equipment Using the Example of a Steel Ladle Operated at a Hazardous Production Facili 181
Makaeva A.R., Denisova Ya.V. Application of Quality Management Methods to Analyze the Problems of the Accreditation Procedure of the Testing Laboratory 190

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Subsoil use

Neugomonov S.S., Zubkov A.A., Samigulin V.A., Kutlubaev I.M. Study on Force Interaction between a Reinforced Friction Stabilizer and a Borehole 5
Pershin G.D., Pshenichnaya E.G. Mechanism of Quasi-Static Fracture of Rock Volumes by a Spreading Action on the Borehole Walls 13

Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals

Zarochentsev V.M., Rutkovsky A.L., Kondratenko T.V., Makoeva A.K. Block-Modular Simulation and Study on a Bimolecular Heterogeneous Interaction During Roasting of Metal Sulfide 20
Yakornov S.A., Maltsev G.I., Voinkov R.S., Grebneva A.A. A Kinetic Mode of Zinc Leaching with Alkali 29

Foundry engineering

Gutko Yu.I., Voytenko V.V. Study on Temperature Dependences for Physical and Technical Characteristics of Foundry Sodium Silicate Sand Cores 39

Metal forming

Sidelnikov S.B., Lopatina E.S., Lopatin V.A., Belyaev S.V., Arnautov A.D., Ditkovskaya Yu.D. Research on the Production Technology for Technical Wire from a New Palladium Alloy 49

Material process engineering

Generalova A.A., Nikulin A.A., Bychkov D.S. Analytical Study on the Characteristics of Tool Durability and Self-Oscillations During Pulley Turning 61
Nosenko V.A., Kremenetskii L.L., Koryazhkin A.A. The Influence of Creep-Feed Grinding Conditions on the Morphology of the Machined Surface of a Titanium Alloy 76
Efremov A.N. Using Statistical Methods for Analyzing Defects of Anodic Oxide Coatings on Deformable Aluminium Alloys 88
Klenko S.V., Astashchenko V.I., Safarov D.T., Kharisov I.Zh., Orlyansky V.E. Increasing Cyclic Durability of Long-Length Steel Machine Parts 98

Product quality management. standardization. industrial management

Pobedinskiy V.V., Polyakova M.A., Kazantseva T.V., Kazantseva N.K., Iovlev G.A. An Intelligent System Based on Main Approaches of Fuzzy Logic for Searching for Regulatory Documents 107
Nazarevich S.A., Sviridenko A.V. A Decision-Making Model Based on Empirical Data  114
Tretyakova V.A., Gorlacheva E.N. The Elaboration of a Methodological Approach to Estimating the Probability of Winning a Competition to Plan Production Capacity Utilization 122
Pantyukhina E.V., Vasin S.A., Pantyukhin O.V. Ensuring a Reliable Orientation of Asymmetric Parts of the Form of Rotation Bodies in Disk Hopper Feeding and Orienting Devices 132

Modelling of metallurgical processes

Sergeev Yu.S., Platov S.I., Guzeev V.I., Sergeev S.V., Puzankov M.S. Computer Modeling of a New Method of Controlled Cracking During Dimensional Crushing of Brittle Materials 143
Konstantinov D.V., Pivovarova K.G., Pesin A.M. Fem Study on the Stress State of Multilayer Self-Interlocking Structures Made of Cubic Elements  156

Industrial ecology in metallurgy

Tsareva S.A., Belov A.V., Tsarev Yu.V. Development and Implementation of the Environmental Management System Given the Adaptation of Resource-Saving Technologies, Using the Example of the Kogalymenergoneft Service Center 174

Economics, management and product market

Kuznetsova M.V., Zinovyeva E.G., Selivanov А.S. A Marketing Analysis of the External Environment of a Service Company of a Metallurgical Enterprise 174

Development strategy, specialist education and professional training

Deryabin A.V., Freinkina I.A., Andreeva O.V., Nalimova M.N., Gribovsky A.V., Shevtsova A.D. Strategic Approaches to Training Specialists of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex Based on Methods of Specialized Motor Activity 185

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Cheban A.Yu. Increasing the Efficiency of Mining of Complex-Structured Bedded Deposits by Using Modernized Surface Miners
Cheskidov V.I., Gavrilov V.L., Reznik A.V., Nemova N.A. Conditions and Experience of Establishing Industrial Complexes at Coal Deposits in the Eastern Regions f Russia 13

Foundry engineering

Andreev S.M., Kolokoltsev M.V., Savinov D.A., Dubrovin V.K., Petrochenko E.V. The Usage of Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting Strength Properties of Sand-Clay Mixtures for Casting Molds

Material process engineering

Gruba O.N., Ardashev D.V., Degtyareva-Kashutina A.S. Physical and Chemical Properties of Electrolytes for Chromium Plating of Titanium Parts
Malkov O.V., Karelskiy A.S. Theoretical Calculation of the Components of Thread Milling Cutting Forces 44
Terentyev D.V., Baiguzin M.R., Platov S.I., Zvyagina E.Yu., Tyuteryakov N.Sh. Mathematical Modeling of the Process of Cutting Sheet Metal with Parallel Knives 56

Materials science and heat treatment of metals

Alekseev D.Yu., Emaleeva D.G., Kuznetsova A.S., Gulin A.E., Adishchev P.G., Tetyushin K.P. Selecting an Accelerated Cooling Schedule for Low-Alloy Steel Coils Based on Finite Element Modeling
Sychkov A.B., Nesterenko A.M., Zavalishchin A.N., Moller A.B., Kulakov B.A., Shubin I.G. Formation of a Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Dual- and Multi-Phase Reinforcing Steel in Coils

Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies

Shchegolkov A.V., Shchegolkov A.V., Zemtsova N.V., Komarov F.F., Parfimovich I.D. Influence of Microsized Metal Fillers on Thermal and Electrophysical Properties of Nanomodified Elastomers

Standardization, certification and quality management

Ryabchikov M.Yu., Ryabchikova E.S., Chuta A.S., Vasilyeva E.I., Emelyushin A.N. Influence of Steel Strip Speed and Tension on Product Defects on Continuous Hot-Dip Galvanizing Lines
Zaporozhtsev A.V., Khazova Ver.I., Khazova Vik.I. Key Aspects of Creating a Digital Twin of the Quality Management System Process 105
Izvekov Yu.A., Ramazanov K.N., Goncharova E.A., Karimova D.F., Shubin I.G., Smirnova L.V. Quality Management of Operation of Metallurgical Cranes Based on a Method of Pseudostates 117
Musabirova L.A., Galimov F.M. Evaluating the SERVQUAL Method in Assessing the Quality of Services in the Field of Ensuring Uniformity of Measurements 124

Modelling of metallurgical processes

Pivovarova K.G., Matveev S.V., Pesina S.A., Mogilnykh A.E., Pustovoitova O.V., Fedoseev S.A. Simulation of the Bending Process of a Steel-Aluminum Composite with a Wave-Shaped Interface
Fedulov A.A., Belyaev S.Yu., Bulganina M.Yu., Raskatov E.Yu. Simulation of a Burnishing Process for Defective Ends of Hot-Deformed Tubes, when Producing Them on Facilities with an Automatic Rolling Mill
Bodrov E.G., Serebriakov I.S., Latfulina Yu.S., Naprimerova E.D., Myasoedov V.A., Samodurova M.N. Mathematical Modeling of the Process of Cold Gas Dynamic Spraying of Powder Non-Ferrous Metals

New technological processes and equipments

Maslov D.A., Ovsyannikov V.E., Kulemina A.A., Kovensky I.M. Increased Efficiency of Manufacturing Monolithic Cutting Tools in Small Batches Based on Express Tests
Sergeev Yu.S., Platov S.I., Guzeev V.I., Sergeev S.V. Application of Vibration Drives with Modulating Properties in Crushers of Brittle Materials to Control the Fractional Composition of the Dispersed Phase

Economics, management and product market

Prytkova E.A., Davydov V.M. Features of Reengineering of Technological Processes at Industrial Enterprises

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Khrunina N.P. Improving the Design of the Device for Microdisintegration of Mineral Components in Hydraulic Mixtures

Recycling of man-made mineral formations, and waste

Gorlova O.E., Orekhova N.N., Kolodezhnaya E.V., Kolkova M.S., Glagoleva I.V. Providing a Rationale for an Integrative Criterion to Predict the Potential Selective Disintegration of Technology-Related, Complex Structured Raw Materials
Lavrinenko A.A., Golberg G.Yu. Thickening and Dewatering of Coal Flotation Tailings  27 

Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals

Ponomarev V.S., Erokhin Yu.V., Farrakhova N.N. Material Composition of Boron-Containing Slags from the Klyuchevsky Ferroalloy Plant 42

Metal forming

Zaides S.A., Nguyen Huu Hai Determination of Residual Stresses by Using Barkhausen Noise in the Reverse Surface Plastic Deformation 51
Voroshilov D.S., Lebedeva O.S., Bespalova D.D., Durnopyanova A.S., Berngardt V.A., Voroshilova M.V. Study on Modes of Producing Wire from Al-REM Alloys Using Combined Methods of Processing and Subsequent Drawing 62
Vo Phan Thanh Dat, Petrov P.A., Burlakov I.A., Pham Van Ngoc, Nguyen Khanh Toan, Gnevashev A.A. Obtaining Rheological Models of Aluminum Alloy RS-356 under Various Deformation Modes 78
Shopin I.I. Increasing the Efficiency of Sheet Rolling Mills by Preventing Negative Technological Events 89
Antsupov A.V., Jr., Antsupov A.V., Antsupov V.P., Ryskina E.S. Methodology of Theoretical Assessment of Durability and Reliability of Operation of Rolls of Four-High Stands by Modeling Their Contact Interaction with Strips 97

Material process engineering

Deryabin I.P., Guzeev V.I., Tokarev A.S. Experimental Studies on Technological Inheritance of Errors in the Location of the Axis of Holes when Using Three-Blade Tools 114
Kondrashov A.G., Safarov D.T., Faskhutdinov A.I., Kazargeldinov R.R. Technology of Forming of Helical Ring Gears with Disk Cutters and End Mills on Five-Axis CNC Machines 123

Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies

Pozygun I.S., Seropyan G.M., Sychev S.A., Fedosov D.V., Teploukhov A.A., Semenyuk N.A. Features of Interaction Between Nanosecond Laser Radiation and YBCO Films 137

Standardization, certification and quality management

Vasin S.A., Verevkina O.I., Yaitskov I.A. Improving the Procedure for Assessing Functional Safety and Reliability Risks for Quality Management at Infrastructure Facilities 144
Kuzmenko V.P., Solenyi S.V. A Predictive Maintenance Model for Quality Management of LED Lighting Networks 155
Mazunova L.N., Belyakov V.V., Erofeeva L.N., Bushueva M.E. Overview of Approaches to Assessing the Quality and Mobility of Automotive Vehicles and Tractors Based on Multi-Criteria Quality Assessment Methods 170
Osintsev N.A., Rakhmangulov A.N. Supply Chain Sustainability Assessment Based on Gray Relational Analysis 180

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Lobanov V.G., Kolmachikhina O.B., Polygalov S.E., Saveliev S.M., Khabibulina R.E., Sokolov L.V. Study on the Influence of Carbon in the Composition of Clinker on Hydrometallurgical Processing Performance
Dorosh Е.А., Talgamer B.L. The Influence of Rock Moisture on Bulldozer Performance in the Development of Placers

Recycling of man-made mineral formations, and waste

Abdrakhimov V.Z. Recycling of Metallurgical Waste without the Use of Natural Traditional Materials in the Production of Acid-Resistant Materials

Material process engineering

Ogarkov N.N., Zvyagina E.Yu. Calculation of Roughness Parameters During Electrical Discharge Texturing of the Surface of Mill Rolls
Galimov D.M., Ardashev D.V., Degtyareva-Kashutina A.S. Studying the Quality of a Chromium Coating Applied on Titanium Parts by Electroplating with Discrete Changes in the Time and Current Parameters of Chrome Plating
Anosov M.S., Ryabov D.A., Chernigin M.A., Solovyov A.A. Non-Destructive Testing of the Accumulation of Fatigue Damage in Steel Sv-09G2S Produced by Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing

Materials science and heat treatment of metals

Gorbunov K.S., Shcherenkova I.S., Orekhova Yu.N., Mazur I.P. Investigation of the Structure of Low-Carbon Steel after Physical Modeling of an Asymmetric Process During Hot Rolling

Standardization, certification, and quality management

Maksimova O.V., Aronov I.Z. Peculiarities of Achieving Consensus Among a Group of Auditors
Tumanov A.Yu. A Method for Assessing the Effectiveness of Systems Used to Ensure the Stability of the Functioning of Instrument-Making Facilities

New technological processes and equipment

Pochetukha V.V., Romanov D.A., Vashchuk E.S., Filyakov A.D., Ivanov Yu.F., Gostevskaya A.N. Structure and Properties of Coatings Based on Tungsten, Gold and Nitrogen Obtained on a Copper Substrate by an Integrated Electrophysical Method
Pashkov A.E., Pashkov A.A., Faleev S.Yu., Samoylenko O.V. Development of a Methodology for Analyzing Geometric Parameters of Long Aircraft Panels

Reliability and durability of metallurgical equipment

Gasanov B.G., Azarenkov A.A., Kharchenko E.V., Panchvidze G.G. Influence of the Chemical Composition of Fe-Cu-Gr Powder Alloys and Lubricants on Diffusion Mass Transfer and Tribosynthesis of Intermediate Structures in Friction Units
Kalyanov A.E., Chernukhin S.A., Velikanov V.S. Increasing Performance Efficiency of a Cone Crusher by Using a Fluid Power Drive

Construction materials and construction engineering

Isaev M.M., Mahmudbeyli L.S., Khasayeva N.M. Development of an Intelligent System for Scanning the Composition of a Substance
Gasho E.G., Fokin A.M. Determination of Thermal Power Characteristics of Buildings Based on the Analysis of Archival Data of Heat Metering Stations

Economics, management and product market

Vakulenko E.Sh., Denisova Ya.V. Improving the Claim Procedure at a Machinery Manufacturing Plant

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Domozhirov D.V. On the Issue of Increasing Efficiency of Mining and Processing of Mineral Raw Materials by Controlling the Parameters of Drilling and Blasting Operations to Achieve Quality Requirements
Loginov E.V., Masalskiy S.S. Research on Technical Characteristics of Mass-Produced Models of Extraction and Loading Equipment of Various Types
Cheban A.Yu., Sekisov A.G. Combined Technology for the Development of Complex Structure Deep Gold Placers

Material Process Engineering

Serebryakova A.A., Zaguliaev D.V., Shlyarov V.V., Shliarova Yu.A., Ivanov Yu.F., Ustinov A.M. Study on Mechanical Characteristics and Fracture Surface Morphology of the Ti Surface-Modified AK5M2 Alloy 32
Guzeev V.I., Sergeev S.V., Nurkenov A.Kh., Batuev V.V., Sergeev Yu.S., Nesteryuk E.V. Study on Oscillations of the Technological System of a Robotic Complex to Implement the Technique of Designing Rotary Machining Operations 45
Syzrantsev V.N., Starikov A.I. Cutter Head Geometry to Modify the Cylindrical Wheel Arc Teeth Profile 55

Standardization, Certification and Quality

Drankova N.A., Denisova Ya.V. Problems of Efficiency of the Quality Management System and Ways to Solve Them in the New Economic Environment  65 
Prytkova E.A., Davydov V.M. Analysis of the Use of Hierarchical Neural Network Methods in Quality Control  74 

Modelling of Metallurgical Processes

Eroshenko V.O., Malkova M.Yu., Zadiranov A.N., Meshcheryakov A.V. Development of a Model for 3D Printing of Turbine Blades 82 
Konstantinov D.V., Matveev S.V., Pesin A.M., Korchunov A.G., Pivovarova K.G. Application of Interlocking Structures: FEM-Based Concept Demonstration 93 

New Technological Processes
and Equipment

Spiridonov E.K., Ismagilov A.R., Khabarova D.F. Research and Development of a Pneumatic Shut-Off Device of an Ejection Type to Prevent the Exhaust of Hazardous Gases 100 

Economics, Management and Product Market

Zhilina V.A. Sociotechnical Consistency and Universality of Modern Engineering: Homo Technology 109 
Ponomareva O.S., Maiorova T.V., Priymak V.A. Development and Implementation of the KPI System at Metallurgical Enterprises 118 
Nazarevich S.A. Indicators of Innovative Behavior Used to Monitor Readiness of the Organizational System for Changes 126 

Development Strategy, Specialist Education
and Professional Training

Andreeva O.V., Pytalev I.A., Shestopalov E.V., Yakshina V.V. Providing a Rationale for a Need for Occupation-Specific Applied Physical Education in Training of Mining Specialists 134 

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Velikanov V.S., Dyorina N.V., Kocherzhinskaya Yu.V., Mamay N.V., Logunova T.V. The Brachistochrone Problem Applied in the Study on a Conveyance Descending Trajectory in Open Pit Mining 5
Sergeev V.V., Gerasimenko T.E., Evdokimov S.I., Gerasimenko N.P. Analysis of Technical Solutions for Increasing Efficiency of Ventilation of Deep Open Pits

Recycling of Man-Made Mineral Formations and Waste

Lavrinenko A.A., Golberg G.Yu., Khamzina T.A. Coal Froth Concentrate Dewatering Processes 26
Fadeeva N.V., Orekhova N.N., Kolodezhnaya E.V., Nigmatova N.N. Study on the Physical and Chemical Regularities of the Kish Graphite Flotation Process 37

Metal Forming

Sidelnikov S.B., Bersenev A.S., Gorbunov Yu.A, Zagirov N.N., Lopatina E.S., Voroshilov D.S., Durnopyanov A.V. Developing and Studying the Process of Direct Extrolling of Rods from Aluminum Alloy 6082
Solomonov K.N., Tishchuk L.I., Bakhaev K.V. Analysis of the Metal Flow Diagram in Flat Bar Forming Processes

Material Process Engineering

Serebriakov I.S., Latfulina Yu.S., Naprimerova E.D., Myasoedov V.A., Samodurova M.N. Study of Mechanical and Technological Properties of Copper-Silicon Carbide Coatings 67

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Kazantseva T.V., Kazantseva N.K., Polyakova M.A., Pidzhakova E.N., Aleksandrov V.A. Applying an Alphabetical Approach to Determine the Amount of Information Contained in Standards 83
Golubchik E.M., Chikishev D.N. Development of a New Indicator for Assessing the Quality of Rolled Steel Products for Enameling and Methods for Its Determination 95 

Modelling of Metallurgical Processes

Poletskov P.P., Alekseev D.Yu., Kuznetsova A.S., Gulin A.E., Emaleeva D.G., Adishchev P.G. Analysis of Simulated Plate Cooling Schedules
Degtyareva-Kashutina A.S., Boldyrev I.S. Testing a Temperature Model of Cylindrical Plunge Grinding Using the Finite Element Method

New Technological Processes and Equipment

Pashkov A.E., Pashkov A.A., Samoylenko O.V. Development of Initial Stresses During Shot Peening 120
Kozlov A.V., Deryabin I.P., Vereshchagin V.S., Platov S.I., Kurguzov S.A., Terentev D.V., Zvyagina E.Yu. Improvement of Hole Shape Accuracy in Composite Parts 129

Construction Materials and Construction Engineering in Metallurgy

Krishan A.L., Pesin A.M., Lokotunina N.M., Matveev S.V., Pivovarova K.G. A New Construction Solution for Vibration Protection of the Butt Joint of Reinforced Concrete Floors Using Interlocking Structures 137

Development Strategy, Specialist Education and Professional Training

Krasnoselskaya D.Kh., Timiryanova V.M. Estimate of Settlement Systems’ Polycentricity: Sensitivity to Methods, Number of Observations and a Level of Data Aggregation 144

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Medyanik N.L., Smirnova A.V., Kolyada L.G., Bessonova Yu.A. Comprehensive Processing of an Iron Concentrate of Titanomagnetite Ore by A Selective Separation and Concentration of Iron, Vanadium and Titanium by Chemical Methods 5
Gordeev D.V., Petrov G.V., Nikitina T.Yu. The Use of Two-Stage Sulphuric Acid and Chloride Leaching for the Processing of Sulphide Polymetallic Concentrates 13
Khrunina N.P. Modeling of Hydrodynamic Effects in Microdisintegration of High-Clay Mineral Components in Slurries 26
Cheban A.Yu., Sekisov A.G. Improvement in the Technology for the Development of Complex Deposits Applying Combined Ore Extraction 35
Zubkov A.A., Kalmykov V.N., Kulsaitov R.V., Kutlubaev I.M., Neugomonov S.S., Turkin I.S. Risk Assessment of Supporting Surfaces of Workings with Friction Roof Bolting 45
Kuznetsov D.V., Kosolapov A.I. Methodology for Justifying the Selection of Mining and Conveyor Equipment for Ore Quarries 54

Recycling of Man-Made Mineral Formations and Waste

Dorosh Е.А., Talgamer B.L. Rationale for Feasible Ways of Involving Dumps of Placer Gold Mining in the Development 64
Safarova L.R. Planning Waste Generation and Developing the Technology for the Life Cycle in APQP Projects for the Preparation of Manufacturing a New Product 77

Material Process Engineering

Mullina E.R., Mishurina O.A., Bessonova Yu.A., Baskov V.A., Gamirov D.R., Volkova D.V., Zhamburshina K.B. Analysis of Factors Influencing the Quality of Fuel Briquettes 87
Degtyareva-Kashutina A.S., Boldyrev I.S. Mathematical Model for Determining Contact Zone Temperature During Cylindrical Plunge Grinding 94
Akintseva A.V., Pereverzev P.P. Model of Calculating the Current Value of the Cutting Depth in an Automatic Stepwise Cycle of the Programmed Feed on a CNC-Controlled Flat Grinding Operation 103
Fedorov A.A., Polonyankin D.A., Bredgauer Iu.O., Zhdanova Iu.E., Linovsky A.V., Bobkov N.V. Effect of a Phase Composition on Nano- and Microcrack Formation in the Near-Surface Layer of Titanium Alloys after Electrical Discharge Machining 111

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Vasetskaya N.O. Inventor Work Amid Uncertainty of the Future Technical Progress: Standardization and Problems of Improving R&D Quality 122 

New Technological Processes and Equipment

Gruba O.N., Ardashev D.V. Electrochemical Behaviour of Metal Electrodes in Model Chrome Plating Solutions 130
Popov I.P. Automatic Stabilized Rotator 141

Metallurgical Power Engineering, Energy Saving and Electrical Systems

Dziuba M.A., Safonov V.I. Contribution of a Supply Network and an Industrial Site to the Electric Power Quality at the Point of Delivery 147

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Azev V.A., Gartman A.A., Кhazhiev V.A. Technology Parameters of Open-Pit Coal Mining of Flat Dipping Deposits Using Robotization of Road Transport
Grishin I.A., Bochkov V.S., Velikanov V.S., Dyorina N.V., Surovtsov M.M., Moreva Yu.A. Implementinga Discharge Slot Width Control Systemin Cone Crushers
Antipin Yu.G., Baranovsky K.V., Rozhkov A.A., Nikitin I.V., Solomein Yu.M. Optimization of Underground Geotechnology Parameters for the Mining of Under-Pit Reserves of ore Deposits by the Method of Economic and Mathematical Modeling 23
Kholmskiy A.V., Fomin S.I. Reducing the Effect of Stoping on the Bump Hazardous Massif Using the Blast-Free Technology, when Developing the North Urals Bauxite Deposits 36

Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals

Erokhin Yu.V., Ponomarev V.S. Material Composition of Slags from the Ferrotungsten Production Process at the Klyuchevskoy Plant (the Middle Urals) 44

Material Process Engineering

Ishmetev M.E., Nazarov D.A., Levandovskiy S.A., Moller A.B., Tulupov O.N. An Example of a Mini-Plant Using Secondary Steel as a Raw Material 53
Sirotin P.V., Gasanov B.G., Ismailov M.A., Drobyazko N.A. Influence of the Stress-Strain State of an Elastic-Dissipative Substrate on Impact-Abrasive Wear Resistance of Hot-Stamped Powder Structural Steels 62
Shcherbakov I.N., Gasanov B.G. Research on the Adhesion of Antifriction Composite Double-Layer Corrosion-Resistant Nickel-Phosphorous Coatings Modified with MoS2 73

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Khusainov Yu.G. Promising Methods for Local Ion Nitriding of Steels 82
Poletskov P.P., Alekseev D.Yu., Kuznetsova A.S., Gulin A.E., Emaleeva D.G. Study on the Influence of Accelerated Cooling Modes on the Structure Formation and Properties of Coils 91

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies

Teploukhov A.A., Poleshchenko K.N., Nesov S.N., Semenyuk N.A., Seropyan G.M., Sychev S.A., Lasitsa A.M., Churankin V.G. Features of Structural Phase and Morphological Changes of the Surface of PTFE-Based Topocomposites Exposed to Ion-Plasma and Lase 98
Korotaev D.N., Tarasov E.E., Poleshchenko K.N., Teploukhov A.A., Semenyuk N.A., Orlov P.V., Churankin V.G., Lasitsa A.M. Improving the Technology of the Layer-by-Layer Formation of Nanostructured Topocomposites by Ion-Vacuum Treatment Methods Based 107

Metallurgical Power Engineering, Energy Saving and Electrical Systems

Nikolaev A.A., Tulupov P.G., Ryzhevol S.S., Ivekeev V.S. Development of an Improved Automated Control System for Carbon Injectors of an Electric Arc Furnace 120

Industrial Ecology in Metallurgy

Rasulmukhamedov E.A., Volkova E.A., Peryatinskiy A.Yu., Tulupov O.N., Murtazin R.A. Ecopost-Magnitogorsk: Results of the First Year of Operation 133

Economics, Management and Product Market

Maiorova T.V., Ponomareva O.S., Pavlova I.E. Sustainable Development of Metallurgical Enterprises: Aspects, Criteria, Indicators 140
Ragimov Sh.R., Mamedov Dzh.F. Experimental Study on the Control Process of Active Elements of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Under Uncertainty 148

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Cheban A.Yu. Substantiation of a Method for Processing Valuable Mineral Raw Materials Contained in Very Thin Ore Deposits 5
Bogatyrev D.M., Petrov G.V., Tsymbulov L.B. Pyrometallurgical Technologies for Processing Sulfide Copper-Nickel Ores with a High Content of Platinum Group Metals: Current State and Prospects of Development 14

Recycling of Man-Made Mineral Formations and Waste

Lyashenko V.I., Vorobiev A.E., Khomenko O.E., Dudar T.V. Development of Technologies and Technical Facilities to Reduce the Environmental Impact in the Area of Influence of the Tailings Dam 25

Metal Forming

Kolchin S.A., Gorokhov Yu.V., Kovaleva A.A., Bazan D.A., Bozhko D.N. Damascus Steel Manufacturing Technology by Forging Multi-Layer Packages 42

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Narkevich M.Yu., Logunova O.S., Kornienko V.D., Kalitaev A.N., Surovtsov M.M., Luganskaya D.A., Chernysheva A.S. An Intelligent Decision Support System for Assessing the Quality of Buildings and Structures at Hazardous Industrial Facilities... 50 
Kunakov E.P. Applying New Approaches to the Deming Cycle

New Technological Processes and Equipment

Filyakov A.D., Romanov D.A., Budovskikh E.A. The Effect of Bioinert Electroexplosive Coatings on Stress Distribution near the Dental Implant-Bone Interface 71
Safarov D.T., Chekh A.V. Identifying Adjustment Offsets of Metal-Forming Equipment to Control Geometrical Accuracy of Crankshaft Forgings for Heavy Trucks 83
Akintseva A.V., Pereverzev P.P. Modeling the Cutting Depth Change in Different Sections of the Processed Surface in the Digital Twin of the Circular Plunge CNC Grinding Operation 95
Nekrasov I.I., Parshin V.S., Fedulov A.A. Choosing Rational Geometry Parameters of Levers for a Radial Forging Machine 105

Reliability and Durability of Metallurgical Equipment

Kondrashova Yu.N., Tretiakov A.M., Shalimov A.V. Assessment of the Impact of Developing Production Equipment Maintenance and Repair Schedules in Order to Minimize Costs and Losses of the Ferrous Metallurgy Enterprise 112

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Velikanov V.S., Musonov O.S., Panfilova O.R., Ilina E.A., Dyorina N.V. Predictive Analytics Tools in Minimising Mining Equipment Failures 5
Bryakin I.V., Bochkarev I.V., Khramshin V.R. Multiplicated Method of Induction Sounding to Search for Underground Electrically Conductive Objects 16


Gutko Yu.I., Voytenko V.V. Monitoring of Sodium Silicate Core Sand Mixture Parameters During Production and Application 29
Erokhin Yu.V., Ponomarev V.S., Zakharov A.V., Leonova L.V. Material Composition of Slags Formed when Producing Ferromanganophosphorus at the Staroutkinsky Plant 36

Material Process Engineering

Gasanov B.G., Babets A.V., Baev S.S. Influence of a Chemical Composition on Heat Resistance and Impact Wear Resistance of Materials Based on Atomized Powders of High-Chromium Steel 45
Ershova O.V., Medyanik N.L., Mishurina O.A., Bessonova Yu.A., Bagreeva K.V. Comparative Analysis of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Biodegradable and Synthetic Polymers 56

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Kabaldin Yu.G., Anosov M.S., Ryabov D.A., Kolchin P.V., Shatagin D.A., Kiselev A.V. Study on the Influence of 3D Printing Modes on the Structure and Cold Resistance of Steel Grade 08G2S 64

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies

Shchegolkov A.V., Shchegolkov A.V., Komarov F.F., Parfimovich D.I. Composite Nanostructured MWCNT/Polyurethane Material for Protection Against Electromagnetic Radiation 71

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Soldatov V.G., Vavilin Ya.A., Mankevich I.G. Problems and Ways of Introducing Risk-Based Thinking 82
Narkevich M.Yu. Method of a Comprehensive Quantitative Assessment of the Quality of Hazardous Production Facilities Using S-Shaped Curves 91

New Technological Processes and Equipment

Akintseva A.V., Pereverzev P.P., Degtyareva-Kashutina A.S. Digital twin of a shaping process for a surface of a non-rigid shaft with an elliptical profile processed by plunge grinding 98
Deryabin I.P., Tokarev A.S. Reducing the Labor Intensity of Hole Machining by Increasing the Accuracy of Coun-tersinking Operations with Precast Tools 107

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Khomenko O.E., Kononenko M.N., Lyashenko V.I. Rationale for Technologies and Facilities for Carrying out Horizontal Mine Workings Using Emulsion Explosives 5
Golik V.I., Razorenov Yu., Mitsik M.F., Yakshina V.V. Experience in Mine Leaching of Metals From Ores 16
Evdokimov S.I., Gerasimenko T.E. Flotation Flowsheet and Mode for Recovery of Gold from Refractory Ores 24
Cheban A.Yu. Reducing Dust in Mining and Transferring Coal by Improving Mining Equipment 37

Recycling of Man-Made Mineral Formations and Waste

Korolev A.A., Shunin V.A., Timofeev К.L., Maltsev G.I., Voinkov R.S. Kinetics of Mercury and Selenium Precipitation on Aluminum 44


Gutko Yu.I., Voytenko V.V. Advanced Materials for Manufacturing Disposable and Reusable Core Boxes 54

Material Process Engineering

Slabkiy D.V., Sergeenko S.N., Popov Yu.V., Saliev A.N. X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Powder Materials Based on Mechanochemically Activated Chips D-16 and Added Nickel Powder 61

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Anosov M.S., Kabaldin Yu.G., Kolchin P.V., Shatagin D.A., Chegurov M.K. Electron Microscopy Studies on the Fracture Mechanisms of Structural Steels Fabricated by 3D Printing 68
Khlybov A.A., Belyaev E.S., Ryabtsev A.D., Belyaeva S.S., Getmanovsky Yu.A., Yavtushenko P.M., Ryabov D.A. Influence of the HIP Technology on the Structure and Properties of Nickel Alloy VZH159 75

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Pivovarova K.G. Metalware Quality Management Based on a Robust Parameter Design 84
Narkevich M.Yu., Logunova O.S., Kornienko V.D., Nikolaev A.A., Tyulyumov A.N., Zlydarev N.V., Deryabin D.I. Quality of Materials, Products and Structures in Industrial Safety: an Empirical Basis 90

Modelling of Metallurgical Processes

Levykina A.G., Gorbunov K.S., Pozdnyakova A.I., Solovyov V.N. Study on a Thermal State of Steel Using Methods of Physical and Mathematical Modeling 102

New Technological Processes and Equipment

Poletskov P.P., Gulin A.E., Emaleeva D.G., Kuznetsova A.S., Alekseev D.Yu., Kukhta Y. B. Analysis of Current Areas of Research in Production of Multifunctional Materials for Extreme Operating Conditions 109

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Sekisov A.G., Cheban A.Yu. Crystal-Saving Technology of Open Mining of Complex Structure Kimberlite Deposits 4
Khrunina N.P. Improving the Complex of Means for the Processing of High-Clay Gold-Bearing Sands of Placers 14

Material Process Engineering

Gun I.G., Vakhitov A.R., Stolyarov F.A., Smirnov A.V., Mikhailovskiy I.A. Calculation of Starting Force of Plastic Deformation, When Bending an Outer Tie Rod Ball Stud, by the Simulation of Static Tests 23


Ganeev A.A., Ramazanov A.K. Optimization of a Chemical Composition of Corrosion-Resistant Steel 12KH18N9TL for Pipeline Valve Castings 32

Material Process Engineering

Latfulina Yu.S., Doubenskaia M., Samodurova M.N., Trofimov E.A., Barkov L.A. Implementation of a Copper- Tungsten Coating by Cold Gas-Dynamic Spraying 40

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Khlybov A.A., Maltsev I.M., Belyaev E.S., Getmanovsky Yu.A., Belyaeva S.S. Research on the Dependence of Heat Resistance on the Concentration of a Glass Filler in Metal-Glass Composites Based on Nickel 50

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies

Shchegolkov A.V. Multistage Mechanical Activation of MWCNTS to Improve Percolation Transitions in the Elastomer / MWCNTS System: Approaches to the Implementation and Practice of Modifying Elastomers 58
Poleshchenko K.N.,Korotaev D.N.,Eremin E.N.,Nesov S.N.,Tarasov E.E.,Teploukhov A.A.,Semenyuk N.A.,Ivanova E.V.,Lasitsa A.M.,Ivanov A.L. Formation of Nanostructured Topocomposites with Cluster-Gradient Architecture by Combined Ion-Vacuum Processing 68

New Technological Processes and Equipment

Gasanov B.G., Babets A.V., Baev S.S. Producing Bimetallic Rings for Valve Seats of Internal Combustion Engines from Activated Powders of High-Speed Steel 79

Reliability and Durability of Metallurgical Equipment

Nekrasov I.I., Fedulov A.A., Parshin V.S. Choosing the Components of the Rolling Mill Main Line for the Ribbed Tube Production 90

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Izvekov Yu.A. Scientific and Methodological Base for Assessing the Quality of Technical Systems of a Metallurgical Enterprise 98
Narkevich M.Yu., Kornienko V.D., Logunova O.S., Polyakova M.A., Izvekov Yu.A. Analysis of Efficiency of the Existing Quality Assessment System for Materials, Products, and Structures at Hazardous Production Facilities 103

Metallurgical Power Engineering, Energy Saving and Electrical Systems

Nikolaev A.A., Tulupov P.G., Ivekeev V.S. Design of Universal Algorithms for Processing of Multi-Source Current Signals for an Improved Control System of an Electric Arc Furnace 112

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Mining and Mineral Processing

Lyashenko V.I., Golik V.I., Dmitrаk Yu.V., Franchuk V.P. Rationale for the Parameters of the Vibration Gravity Transportation of Solidifying Filling Mixtures to Mines 4

Recycling of Man-Made Mineral Formations and Waste

Nikitina T.Yu., Petrov G.V. Current State and Technological Prospects of Applying Low-Toxic Gold Solvents for Processing Technogenic Raw Materials 17

Foundry Engineering

Arkulis M.B., Dubskii G.A., Dolgushin D.M., Misheneva N.I. Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Crystallization of Aluminum Alloys in a Constant Magnetic Field 29

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Kulemina A.A., Kovenskiy I.M. Electrolytic Nickel-Molybdenum Coatings Applied to Protect Parts of Oilfield Equipment 35
Sheksheev M.A., Shiryaeva E.N. Forming the Structure of Deposited Metal of Low-Carbon Steel Under Various Types of Treatment 42
Khlybov A.A., Vorozheva E.L. Influence of the Initial Cast Structure on the Quality of Hot Rolled Hypoeutectoid Steel 48

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Polyakova M.A., Dryagun E.P., Sokolov A.A., Kharitonov V.A., Petrov I.M. Method to Estimate the Degree of Harmonization Between Standards of Different Categories 60
Shishlonova A.N., Adishchev P.G., Malkov M.V. Incoming Inspection of Ferroniobium Applied for Steel Microalloying 69

New Technological Processes and Equipment

Yelemessov K.K., Nauryzbayeva D.K., Krupnik L.A., Baskanbayeva D.D., Igbayeva A.E. Research on New Structural Materials and Manufacturing Technologies for Robust Gearbox and Centrifugal Pump Housings 75
Ivanov V.M., Kozhukhov Yu.V. Improving the Design Quality of Low Flow Centrifugal Compressor Stages by Creating a Database of Virtual Impellers Based on CFD Modeling Results 83

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Mining and Mineral Processing


Recycling of Man-Made Mineral Formations and Waste


Foundry Engineering


Material Process Engineering


Metallurgical Power Engineering, Energy Saving and Electrical Systems


Economics, Management and Product Market


Information Report


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Mining and Mineral Processing

Khazin M.L. Robotic Equipment for Mining Operations 4
Cheban A.Yu., Sekisov A.G. Mining Excavator with the Capability to Separate Concentrated Ore Fines 16

Metal Forming

Al-Khuzai A.S.O., Vydrin A.V., Shirokov V.V. Studying Plastic Resistance of Steel Grade 32G2U in a Broad Range of Temperature Change 23

Material Process Engineering

Trotsenko I.G., Gerasimenko T.E., Alkatsev V.M., Evdokimov S.I. Optimised Waste Carbide Recycling Technology. Part 2. Finding Optimum Implementation Conditions 31

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies

Shchegolkov A.V., Yagubov V.S. Heat Generated by a Nanomodified Composite Made with Silicone and a CNT/Graphite Filler 40

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Poletskov P.P., Alekseev D.Yu., Kuznetsova A.S., Nikitenko O.A. Analysis of Technical Requirements for Semi-Finished Rolled Products for Coiled Tubing 49
Antipova T.N., Oleshko A.Y. Basic Procedures of Product Quality Control for Fiber Metal Composites 55
Cherkasov D.A. Development of an Assessment Methodology for the Quality Management System of an Organization Using Qualimetry Methods 63

Metallurgical Power Engineering, Energy Saving and Electrical Systems

Kornilov G.P., Filatova O.A., Filatov A.M., Khramshin T.R., Khramshin R.R. Studying Drives of the Tension Leveller on the Continuous Pickling Line of the Cold Rolling Mill 71
Pyrko S.А., Mitioglo A.M., Ishmetyev E.N. Autonomous Measuring Modules for Electric Motor Diagnostic Systems 80

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Mining and Mineral Processing

Ratnikova N.S., Pankratiev P.V. Improving the Efficiency of Gold and Silver Recovery from Pyrite Concentrates by Applying Microwave Technologies 4

Recycling of Man-Made Mineral Formations and Waste

Medyanik N.L., Mishurina O.A., Mullina E.R., Smirnova A.V., Zaitseva E.V. The Comprehensive Processing Technology of Hydro-Technogenic Formations of Yellow Copper ore Mining Plants 10

Metal Forming

Konev S.V., Miyanov A.G., Fainshtein A.S., Kharchenko M.V. Analysis of the Effect of Off-Center Elastic-Plastic Deformationon the Carbon Strap Camber 18

Material Process Engineering

Trotsenko I.G., Gerasimenko T.E., Meshkov E.I. Improvement of the Cemented Carbide Material Waste Processing Technology. Part I. Analysis of the Current State of Technologies 25

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Ganiev I.N., Sharipova Kh.Ya., Odinazoda Kh.O., Ibrokhimov N.F., Ganieva N.I. Thermophysical Properties and Thermodynamic Functions of Aluminum-Magnesium Alloy AMg2 with Indium 34

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Polyakova M.A., Yansaitova M.I. Method for Determining the Properties of Vacuum Ion-Plasma Coatings by Establishing System Relationships 44

Reliability and Durability of Metallurgical Equipment

Popov I.P. Inert Reactance of Vibrating Machines 52

Construction Materials and Construction Engineering in Metallurgy

Lapidus A.A., Topchiy D.V., Efremova V.E., Kuzin E.A. Redevelopment of Industrial Areas 56

Economics, Management and Product Market

Nikolaeva A.G. Development of Procurement Performance Indicators or Industrial Enterprises of the Russian Federation 62
Zaitseva E.V. Rationale for the Organizational and Management Mechanism to Select the Cement Plant Development Strategy Using Integral-Type Functionals 71

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Mineral Mining

Kenzhaliev B.K., Tusupbaev N.K., Medyanik N.L., Semushkina L.V. Understanding the Physico-Chemical and Flotation Characteristics of Composite Flotation Reagents 4

Recycling of Man-Made Mineral Formations and Waste

Erokhin Yu.V., Zakharov A.V., Leonova L.V. Material Composition of Karabash Copper Smelter Slags 12

Metal Casting

Lekhov O.S., Mikhalev A.V., Shevelev M.M., Bilalov D.Kh. Numerical Determination of the Heat Flux Density on the Basis of Experimental Data of a Steel Strip Deformed in a Pilot Continuous Casting and Deformation Unit 19
Vdovin K.N., Tochilkin Vas.V., Dobrynin S.M., Melnichuk E.A., Tochilkin V.V. Design and Calculation of the Impact Box for a Symmetrical Multi-Strand Tundish 25

Metal Forming

Kamenetskiy B.I., Komkova D.A. Creating and Calculating Backpressure During Experiments in Cold Backward Extrusion of Magnesium 31

Material Process Engineering

Kartashev M.F., Permyakov G.L., Trushnikov D.N., Mindibaev M.R. Understanding the Effect of Work Hardening on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloy 5056 Specimens Produced by Multilayer Surfacing 38

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Bogodukhov S.I., Kozik E.S., Svidenko E.V. Understanding the Effect of Heat Treatment Involving Heating in Hydrogen Medium on the Properties of Т15К6 Grade Hard Alloy 46

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Protasiev V.B., Anikeeva O.V., Islamova O.V., Chervyakov L.M. E. Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge and the Possibility of its Use in Russia 54
Shiriaeva E.N., Polyakova M.A. Dependability Assessment of Manufacturing and Engineering Systems on the Basis of Applicable Standards 60

Reliability and Service Life of Metallurgical Facilities

Naigert K.V., Tselishchev V.A. Protection of Drive Systems from Hydraulic Impacts with the Help of Magnetorheological Devices 70

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NMSTU Anniversary

Gun G.S., Korchunov A.G., Kornilov G.P., Kornilov S.N., Polyakova M.A. Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University: key areas (scientific review) 5

Mineral Mining

Montyanova A.N., Trofimov A.V., Rumyantsev A.E., Vilchinskiy V.B., Nagovitsyn Yu.N. Experience and efficiency of application of plasticized backfilling concrete 18

Metal Casting

Vdovin K.N., Feoktistov N.A., Khabibullin Sh.M. Increasing the lifetime of cast high-manganese steel liners for the semi-autogenous grinding mill 26
Gimaletdinov R.Kh., Gulakov A.A., Tukhvatulin I.Kh. Effect of chemical composition on the performance of centrifugally cast indefinite chilled cast iron rolls 32
Kolokoltsev V.M., Savinov A.S., Andreev S.M., Angold K.V. Calculation of a thermal stress state, when heating a steel cylindrical object 37

Metal Forming

Gun E.I., Vakhitov A.R., Salnikov V.V., Gun I.G., Jon Ortueta, Agustin Anitua. Simulation of the axial oint pressing process 46

Materials Science and heat treatment of metals

Luca Pezzato, Alessandro Minotto, Katya Brunelli, Manuele Dabalà. Optimization of softening heat treatment for the Pt950Ru jewelry alloy 53
Ivanov Yu., Klopotov A., Teresov A., Petrikova E., Shugurov V., Song G., Tang G., Gromov V. Effect of the cooling rate on phase transformations in a surface-alloyed layer of steel 58
Raab G.I., Kodirov I.S., Aleshin G.N., Raab A.G., Tsenev N.K. Influence of special features of the gradient structure formation during severe plastic deformation of alloys with different types of a crystalline lattice 64
Baranov V.N., Sidelnikov S.B., Zenkin E.Yu., Konstantinov I.L., Lopatina E.S., Yakivyuk O.V., Voroshilov D.S., Belokonova I.N., Frolov V.A. Study on the influence of heat treatment modes on mechanical and corrosion properties of rolled sheet products from a new aluminum alloy, economically alloyed with scandium 76

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies

Ashkeyev Zh.A., Andreyachshenko V.A., Abdiramanov S.T. Determination of the stress state and the specific force during severe plastic deformation in a closed die 82

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Snimshchikov S.V., Polyakova M.A., Limarev A.S., Kharitonov V.A. Development of a structure of norms for steel products based on a principle of advanced standardization 86

Power Engineering in Metallurgy, Energy Saving and Electrotechnical Systems

Bolshanin G.A., Skulina E.G. Relationship between the coefficients of a six-terminal network with two input and four output terminals 94

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Mineral Mining

Chizhevsky V.B., Fadeeva N.V., Gmyzina N.V. Floatability of graphite with hydrocarbons and oxygen containing compounds 5
Kozhonov A.K., Molmakova M.S., Duyshonbaev N.P. Identifying possible causes of problems in the dewatering of flotation products 17
Zamotin P.A., Lobanov V.G. Intensification of gold ore grinding process with the help of surfactants and additional ultrasonic 22
Pankratiev P.V., Kolomoets A.V., Panteleev V.S. Development of the remaining reserves of the Kumak gold deposit (Orenburg region) 33
Cheban A.Yu., Khrunina N.P., Yakimenko D.V. Enhanced mining and hauling equipment complex to be used together with surface miners 40

Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals

Kharchenko A.S. Size related charging patterns dictated by charging conditions when components are fed from the BLT charging hopper to the furnace top 46

Metal Casting

Dolgushin D.M., Dubsky G.A., Nefedev A.A., Rive V.V., Dolgushina O.V., Kayper A. Effect of pulsed magnetic field on paramagnetic melt during crystallization 57

Metal Forming

Poletskov P.P., Gushchina M.S., Alekseev D.Yu., Emaleeva D.G., Kuznetsova A.S., Nikitenko O.A. Understanding the effect of controlled rolling regimes for pipe steel on the structural condition of hot-deformed austenite 67
Slavin V.S., Norets A.I., Zhirkin Yu.V. Method for defining drawing force parameters when drawing MF type sections in double gauge rollers in one 78
Bobylev A.V., Kozlov A.V., Maksimov S.P., Khaliulin E.V. Understanding the thermal phenomena occuring during pipe bending and rolling 87
Konev S.V., Mikhaylets V.F., Teftelev I.E., Fainshtein A.S. Analysis of the characteristic stress state of the coil flange as a circular plate 98
Kolmogorov G.L., E.V. Kuznetsova E.V., Khabarova D. Relaxation of residual stresses and precision of steel pipes 103

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Yakubov U.Sh., Ganiev I.N., Sangov M.M., Ganieva N.I. On the corrosion potential of AlFe5S10 alloy inoculated with alkaline-earth metals in the NaCl medium 109

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies

Egorova L.Yu., Khlebnikova Yu.V., Patselov A.M.,Pilyugin V.P. Structural phase transformations in zirconium pseudo-single crystals subjected to thermal deformation in the bridgeman chamber 120

New Processes and Equipment

Zaydes S.A. New surface plastic deformation techniques in the manufacture of machine parts 129
Popov I.P., Kubareva S.Yu. Autobalanced vibration 140

Power Engineering in Metallurgy, Energy Saving and Electrotechnical Systems

Mugalimov R.G., Zakirova R.A., Mugalimova A.R., Odintsov K.E. Enhanced energy efficiency and resource saving in the overhauling, retrofitting and disposal of industion motors 145

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Mineral Mining

Kislyakov V.E., Nafikov R.Z., Katyshev P.V. Increasing the dredge throughput at below zero temperatures 4
Evdokimov S.I., Gerasimenko T.E. Extraction of gold from ores by flotation in the conditions of heat and mass transfers taking place between the phases 10

Processing and Recycling Technology of Technogenic Formations and Wastes

Korolev A.A., Krayukhin S.A., Maltsev G.I. Phase equilibria in the Pb–Zn system in vacuum distillation 19
Gorbatova E.A., Ozhogina E.G., Lebedev A.N., Emelyanenko E.A., Kharchenko A.S., Selivanov V.N. Justifying the integration of mineralogical analysis methods when studying metallurgical slags 31

Metal Casting

Kulikov V.Yu., Issagulov A.Z., Shcherbakova E.P., Kovaljova T.V. Study of the properties of polystyrene containing secondary granules of expanded polystyrene 40

Metal Forming

Zhelezkov O.S., Abramov A.N., Galiakhmetov T.Sh. Search for effective lubricants and lubricating coatings for producing stainless steel fasteners by forging 47

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Sychkov A.B., Stolyarov A.Yu., Kamalova G.Ya., Efimova Yu.Yu., Egorova L.Yu., Gulin A.E., Stepanova A.A. Study of the structure of fine steel wire by electron microscopy 55

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Shiryaeva L.S., Rudneva V.V., Galevsky G.V. Production of nanodispersed molybdenum powder in an industrial plasma reactor 65

New Processes and Equipment

Kuzbakov Zh.I., Pershin G.D., Kolga A.D. Study of the jaw crusher drive oscillations 73
Podbolotov S.V., Kolga A.D. How operating conditions change the pressure generated by a radial turbine with coaxial impellers 81

Reliability and Service Life of Metallurgical Facilities

Houde J.-P., Hebel R., de Oliveira A.C. True hearth lining wear as blast furnace campaign extension tool 87

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Mineral Mining

Kalmykov V.N., Petrova O.V., Mambetova Yu.D. Evaluating the sustainability of the mining system in underground copper-pyrite mining 5
Selyukov A.V. The mined-out space of coal pits: development of classification features 12
Cheban A.Yu. Method and equipment for opencast mining of small steeply dipping deposits 18

Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals

Maltsev G.I., Timofeev K.L., Popov A.I. Thermodynamic prediction of reduction smelting of lead саke 24

Metal Casting

Lehov O.S., Bilalov D.G., Mikhalev A.V., Shevelev M.M. Thin slab casting and rolling when producing steel plates for welded pipes on a continuous casting and rolling plant 31

Metal Forming

Tishchuk L.I., Solomonov K.N., Mazur I.P., Knapinski M., Fedorinin N.I. Study of metal flow pattern during upsetting 37

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Azimov Kh.H., Ganiev I.N., Amonov I.T., Juraeva M.Sh. A comparative study of the anodic behaviour of the alloy АZh2,18 inoculated with lithium, beryllium and magnesium in NаCl 45

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Mezin I.Yu., Gun I.G., Limarev A.S., Ushakov M.Yu., Steblyanko V.L., Fedoseev S.A. Modern approaches to quality management for railway industry 54

Simulation of Metallurgical Processes

Smirnov A.N., Alekseev D.I. Comparison and adequacy analysis of the mathematical models for predicting the M25 and M10 coke quality indices 62

Reliability and Service Life of Metallurgical Facilities

Enin S.S., Omelchenko E.Ya., Beliy A.V., Fomin N.V. The motion of bridge crane mechanisms described with the help of Lagrange’s equations of second kind 68

Power Engineering in Metallurgy, Energy Saving and Electrotechnical Systems

Nikolaev A.A. Development of an improved method for selecting the power of a static var compensator for electric arc furnaces 74

Heat Power Engineering of the Metallurgical Industry

Gerasimenko T.E., Meshkov E.I., Gerasimenko N.P. Research and simulation of heat transfer processes with the help of laboratory-scale recuperators 95

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Mаrat Zh. Bitimbayev, Sergey L. Kuzmin, Andrey N. Tyurbit Justifying the design of articulated dump trucks for open pit application with container-type transportation system 5
Vladimir B. Chyzhevsky, Natalia V. Gmyzina, Aleksey S. Komlev The use of combined sampling and sample preparation method to ensure the accuracy of size distribution analysis 11
Vyacheslav N. Kalmykov, Aleksej A. Gogotin, Artem N. Ivashov, Yuliya D. Mambetova The rationale behind the development sequence for a cluster of closely spaced copper-pyrite deposits using underground method 21

Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals

Dmitry V. Terentyev Studying the amount of solid deposit and the ways to reduce it in order to extend the life of blast furnace components 28

Metal Forming

Oleg S. Zhelezkov, Timur Sh. Galiakhmetov, Valery L. Steblyanko Determining the power parameters of bolt socket head forging process 35
Aleksandr V. Botkin, Elena V. Varenik, Aleksey N. Abramov Computer design of imitation compressor blade isothermal forging 40

Materials Processing Technology

Sergey V. Mikhaylitsyn, Maksim A. Sheksheev, Oleg M. Ayubashev, Valery L. Steblyanko, Sergei A. Fedoseev Plasma cutting of the low allow steel grade of 09G2S 48

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Valerii M. Kolokoltsev, Konstantin N. Vdovin, Viktor P. Chernov, Nikolai A. Feoktistov, Dmitriy A. Gorlenko, Vitalii K. Dubrovin Study of abrasive and impact and abrasive wear mechanisms of high manganese steel 54
Shuhratjon A. Nazarov, Izatullo N. Ganiev, Nargis I. Ganieva, Irene Calliari Microstructure and mechanical properties of al+6% li alloy containing rare-earth metals 63
Valeriy V. Shkatov, Igor P. Mazur, Anna Kawalek, Tatiana S. Zhuchkova Model of static recrystallization kinetics of austenite in carbon and low-alloy steels during hot strip rolling 69
Alexander B. Sychkov, Aleksey Yu. Stolyarov, Gyuzel’ Ya. Kamalova, Yuliya Yu. Efimova, Aleksandr E. Gulin, Valentin N. Selivanov Structure formation in thin wires 75

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Pavel P. Poletskov, Konstantin Khakimullin, Dmitry G. Nabatchikov, Marina S. Gushchina, Daniil Yu. Alekseev, Alla S. Kuznetsova The purpose and the application of ultra-low temperature resistant nanostructured rolled steel 85

Simulation of Metallurgical Processes

Sergey I. Ponomarev, Sergey P. Eresko, Tatiana T. Eresko The use of database for identifying the diffusion welding technique applied in fabrication of bimetallic components 89
Irina V. Belevskaya, Alexey G. Korchunov, Dmitry V. Konstantinov, Krzysztof Bzowski, Leonid S. Belevskiy, Sergei A. Fedoseev Modeling of the stress state of a composite mill roll during assembly 94

Power Engineering in Metallurgy, Energy Saving and Electrotechnical Systems

Rif G. Mugalimov, Inna I. Barankova, Regina A. Zakirova, Aliya R. Mugalimova, Ulyana V. Mikhaylova, Gennadiy V. Nikiforov Feasibility study: overhaul of induction motors with energy efficiency enhancement 101

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Sokolov I.V., Smirnov A.A., Antipin Yu.G., Rozhkov A.A. Physical modelling of blasting in high-grade quartz mining 4
Cheban A.Yu., Khrunina N.P. Modernization of transportation and handling equipment in opencast mining 10
Filippova E.V. The use of ion exchange electrosorption for extraction of colloidal gold 15

Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals

Ganin D.R., Druzhkov V.G., Panychev A.A., Shapovalov A.N., Shevchenko E.A. Studying the effect of the addition of serpentinite-magnesite from the khalilovo field on the performance of Ural steel’s sintering plant 20
Mirzayev D.A., Mirzoev A.A., Buldashev I.V., Okishev K.Yy. Metastable equilibrium of tetragonal bainitic ferrite and austenite in carbide-free bainitic steels 27
Sibagatullin S.K., Kharchenko A.S., Selivanov V.N., Beginyuk V.A., Chernov V.P. Improving the blast furnace process by raising the natural gas flow rate in the upper heat exchnage stage 37

Metal Forming

Rumyantsev M.I. Some results of the development and application of the methodology for enhancing steel sheet production systems 45
Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Shveeva T.V., Steblyanko V.L., Fedoseev S.A. Simulation of nonmonotonic metal flow during asymmetric sheet rolling with different velocities of the rolls 56

Materials Processing Technology

Shestakov I.Ya., Voroshilova M.V., Voroshilov D.S. Looking at the surface quality during local ammonium nitrate electrolytic machining 64

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Shakhnazarov K.Yu. Abnomal phisical and mechanical properties of iron resultant from transformations at ~650, ~450 and ~200°C 70
Efimov A.V., Chernov V.P. Transient heat treatment of 150KhNM steel castings 79

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Sviridova T.V., Bobrova O.B., Volkova E.A., PeryatinskyA.Yu., Somova Yu.V. Ensuring the stability of pit slopes in order to prevent accidents and emergencies 5

Metal Casting

Gamanyuk S.B., Rutskii D.V., Zyuban N.A., Chubukov M.Yu. Puzikov A.Ja. The effect of ingot geometry and ingot top solidification conditions on solidification and the development of internal defects 11
Uskov I.V., Gil’manshina T.R., Belyaev S.V., Bogdanova T.A., Uskov D.I., Partyko E.G. Studying the effect of graphite concentration on the quality of salt cores 20
Ol’khovik E.O., Desnitskii V.V. Topological optimization in the development of casting processes 27
Illarionov I.E., Strelnikov I.A. On the application of industrial waste in foundry industry 36

Metal Forming

Erisov Ya.A., Grechnikov F.V., Surudin S.V. Anisotropic medium yield function allowing for the crystallographic structure and its experimental verification 42
Zagirov N.N., Loginov Yu.N., Ivanov E.V. Recycling of copper wire scrap into initial long products by metal forming 50
Nekrasov I., Karamyshev A., Parshin V., Fedulov A., Dronov A., Khorev V. Looking at the relationship between the friction conditions and the energy and force of the external upset end process 57
Kurmachev Yu.F. Gauge idle zone profile in cold rolling pipe mills 61
Usanov M.Yu., Kharitonov V.A. The effectiveness of deformation torsion for the manufacture of ufg structured carbon wire 66

Materials Science and Heat Treatment

Chukin M.V., Poletskov P.P., Nabatchikov D.G., Gushchina M.S., Alekseev D.Yu., Khakimullin K. Mathematical dependences between the mechanical properties of high-strength rolled sheet steel and its chemical composition and heat treatment conditions 72

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Rubin G.Sh., Golubchik E.M., Lukianova K.S., Dyja H., Steblyanko V.L. Fractal structures as a steel product quality management tool 76

Power Engineering in Metallurgy, Energy Saving and Electrotechnical Systems

Ryabchikova E.S., Ryabchikov M.Yu., Parsunkin B.N. Experimental analysis of the impact produced by ac arc electrodynamic force on steel in EAF-180 of MMK OJSC 85
Nikolaev A.A., Kornilov G.P., Khramshin T.R., Nikiforov G., Mutallapova F.F. Experimental study of electromagnetic compatibility of modern electric drives used in the power supply system of a metallurgical enterprise 96

Development Strategy and Specialist Training

Tulupov O.N., Moller A.B., Nalivayko A.V., Reyes M.S., Guerra J.A. Quality management and revamping in steel and long product industries realised through personnel training within a russian-cuban partnership 106

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Mineral Mining

Sashourin A.D., Panzhin A.A., Melnik V.V. Securing open-pit walls for protection of hazardous areas of haulage benches 5
Kalmykov V.N., Strukov K.I., Konstantinov G.P., Kulsaitov R.V. Developing a reworking process for the upper levels of the Kochkarskoye gold mine 13


Gorokhov Yu.V., Belyaev S.V., Uskov I.V., Gubanov I.Yu., Gorokhova T.Yu. A study of the Al-Sr grain refiner manufacturing techniques 21

Metal Forming

Belokopytov V.I. Development of a forging technique based on pre-compacted aluminium alloy granules 25

Materials Processing Technology

Sherkunov V.G., Rednikov S.N., Vlasov A.E., Tese P. The relationship between the electrolyte flow dynamics and the coating quality 32
Gadalov V.N., Serebrovsky V.V., Cherenkova I.S., Abakumov A.V., Turaeva O.A. The structure and properties of electroplated chromium coatings with an ultrafine superhard filler 39

Materials Science and heat treatment of metals

Kolokoltsev V.M., Vdovin K.N., Chernov V.P., Feoktistov N.A., Gorlenko D.A. A study of mechanical and performance characteristics of high-manganese steel alloyed with nitrided ferrochromium 46
Kizhner M., Sychkov A.B., Sheksheyev M.A., Malashkin S.O., Kamalova G.Ya. The effect of metallurgical factors and heat treatment on the structure of wire rod for welding application 55
Shakhnazarov K.Yu. Intermediate phase markers in Al-Si, Fe-C and Cu-Al systems 71 
Gimaletdinov R.H., Gulakov A.A., Tukhvatulin I.H. The effect of the chemical composition on the working layer properties of centrifugally cast indefinite chill rolls 78 
Konstantinov D.V., Bzowski K., Korchunov A.G., Kuziak R., Pietrzyk M., Shiryaev O.P. Multiscale Modelling of Structural and Phase Transformations in Steel during Drawing 90 
Koptseva N.V., Chukin D.M., Dabala M. Features of thermal expansion of high-strength invar alloys 99 

Power Engineering in Metallurgy, Energy Saving and Electrical Complexes

Nikolaev A.A., Rousseau J.-J., Szymanski V., Tulupov P.G. An experimental study of electric arc current harmonics in electric arc furnaces with different power characteristics 106

Heat Power Engineering of the Metallurgical Industry

Parsunkin B.N., Sukhonosova T.G., Polukhina E.I. A method of evaluating the performance of a production process improvement action 121

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Mineral Mining

Cheban A.Y. Enhancing the conveying technology in explosive-free mining 5
Sokolov I.V., Baranovsky K.V. Choosing an efficient technique for underground mining of quartz 10
Pershin G.D., Ulyakov M.S., Pshenichnaya E.G., Gabbasov B.M. Energy based diamond cutting machine performance calculation method used for facing stone extraction 18


Frolov V.F., Belyaev S.V., Gubanov I.Yu., Bezrukikh A.I., Costin I.V. Influence of process factors on the formation of structural defects in heavy 1XXX series aluminium alloy ingots 25

Metal Forming

Laber K.B., Sawicki S.Z., Dyja H.S., Kawałek A.M. Physical modelling of 30MnB4 steel rod production during torsion and compression testing: comparative analysis
Ogarkov N.N., Platov S.I., Shemetova E.S., Nekit V.A., Chouvet B.M., D. Study of the effect of the core roughness parameters on adhesion performance in a copper-clad steel wire drawing operation

Materials Processing Technology

Bertrand Ph., Movchan I., Samodurova M.N., Dzhigun N.S. Laser cladding as a perspective surface hardening technique for die tooling
Gadalov V.N., Cherenkova I.S., Vornacheva I.V., Zhuravlev G.M., Abakumov A.V. The structure and physical and mechanical properties of chromium diffusion coatings used for recovery of grey cast iron rolls through plasma treatment 53
Belevskiy L.S., Belevskaya I.V., Efimova Yu.Yu. Study of the process of surface cold working with punching blocks
Gromov V.E., Ivanov Yu.F., Konovalov S.V., Feng Ye, Kosinov D.A. Structure-scale levels of cast iron rolls plasma hardening
Cheylyakh Y.A., Cheiliakh O.P., Mak-Mak N.E., Kazumichi Sh. Effect of rising wear-resistance by plasma treatment of carburized structural steel

Materials Science and heat treatment of metals

Kizhner M., Sychkov A.B., Sheksheev M.A., Malashkin S.O., Kamalova G.Ya. Effects of metallurgical factors and heat treatment on the structure of wire rod designed for steel cord production
Nazarov Sh.A., Ganiev I.N., Norova M.T., Ganieva N.I., Calliari I. Potentiodynamic study of the Al + 6% Li alloy doped with yttrium in nacl solution

Simulation of Metallurgical Processes

Sherkunov V.G., Rednikov S.N., Vlasov A.E., Tese P. Mathematical modelling of electroplating processes at various flow rates
Vydrin A.V., Shirokov Vy.Vy., Yakovleva K.Yu., Zinchenko A.V., Korol' A.V. Development of mathematical modelling tech-niques to simulate deformation processes in seamless pipe production 107

Heat Power Engineering of the Metallurgical Industry

Gerasimenko T.E., Meshkov E.I., Tomilina A.A. Improvement and identification of the mathematical model of carbon materials calcination in a rotary kiln

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Mineral Mining

Schwabenland E.Ye., Sokolovsky A.V., Pichler M.
Selection of parameters of a layer-batch technology in mining of complex-structured field deposits with cold milling combined machines
Karimova Ly.M., Kairalapov Ye.T., Bukharitsin V.O.
Differential thermal analysis of the pelleted rough copper sulphide concentrate of off-balance ore

Processing and Recycling Technology of Technogenic Formations and Wastes

Medyanik N.L., Tussupbayev N.Ku., Varlamova I.A., Girevaya Kh.Ya., Kalugina N.L.
Removing of heavy metals from solutions by the ion flotation method
Solozhenkin P.M., Kubak D.A., Petukhov V.N.
Computer-aided simulation of sulphydric compounds with hydroxyl radicals with forecast on their application as flotation reagents

Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals

Ganin D.R., Druzhkov V.G., Panychev A.A., Shapovalov A.N.
Use of local mineral resources at the sintering plant of the "Ural steel" joint stock company

Metal forming

Kosmatsky Ya.I.
Main directions of research in the field of the pipe-extrusion system theory, technology and equipment improvment
Konstantinov I.L., Gubanov I.Yu., Klemenkova D.V., Astrashabov I.O., Sidelnikov S.B., Gorokhov Yu.V.
Computer-simulated upgrading procedures of the hot aluminum-alloy forging process technology
Biryukov M.A., Pesin A.M., Chukin M.V., Kartunov А.D., Bakshinov V.A., Biryukov A.V.
Development of an import-substituting technology of dowel-nails production the basis of numerical modelling with the finite-element method
Kushnarev A.V., Kirichkov A.A., Bogatov A.A., Puzyrev S.S.
Railway wheel manufacturing process improvement

Materials Processing Technology

Atroshenko S.A.
Behaviors of bulk metallic glass under shock loading

Materials Science and heat treatment of metals

Brunelli K., Bruschi S., Ghiotti A., Lencina R., Dabalà M.
Hot shortness cracks formation in a low alloy steel: investigation on the critical conditions
Gromov V.E., Nikitina E.N., Ivanov Yu.F., Aksenova K.V., Semina O.A.
Bainite steel: structure and work hardening

Standardization, sertification, and quality management

Golubchik E.M., Kuznetsova A.S., Rubin G.Sh., Gun G.S., Dyja H.
Application of models and principles of quality indicator technological adaptation in metalware production processes

Heat Power Engineering of the Metallurgical Industry

Lobanov I.E.
Mathematical modeling of the intensified heat transfer at a turbulent flow in longitudinal-flow tube bundles with lateral ring grooves with the aid of a compound three-layer model of the turbulent boundary layer
Portyankin A.A., Piskazhova T.V., Tinkova S.M.
Training-support software for studying heat exchange processes

Ecology of the Metallurgical Industry

Cherchintsev V.D., Nefedova Ye.V., Kozlov A.S.
Environmental aspects of implementation of resource-saving dolomite-free technologies of sodium monochromatee production at Novotroitsk Plant of Chromium Compounds

Economics, management, and market of products

Sabadash F.A., Tolmachev O.M., Zapuskalov N.
Modernization of machine-building enterprises on the basis of KANBAN and Just-in-Time logistics systems

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Conference proceedings

Erpalov M.V., Bogatov A.A.
Investigation of the causes of defects at octg upsetting
Chigintsev P.A., Semashko M.Yu., Sherkunov V.G.
Influence of technological parameters on the combined process of direct and inverse extrusion
Bogatov A.A., Nukhov D.Sh.
Development of a method of blacksmith stretching without changing the shape and dimensions of the billet
Dovzhenko N.N., Sidelnikov S.B., Arkhipov G.V., Konstantinov I.L., Dovzhenko I.N., Lopatina E.S., Voroshilov D.S., Feskov E.V.
Innovative technology of obtaining cathode rods for electrolyzers
Fokin N.V., Kosmatsky Ya.I., Denysiuk S.A.
Research on deformability of a new high alloy and development of a technology enabling to extrude pipes from the alloy
Bogatov N.A., Bogatov A.A., Salikhyanov D.R.
Development of manufacturing process of corrosion-resistant pipes
Sidelnikov S.B., Dovzhenko N.N., Ditkovskaya Yu.D., Lopatina E.S., Lebedeva O.S., Rudnitsky E.A.
Creation of new jewelry alloys from multicomponent precious-metal systems and their processing technologies

Mineral mining. Geology. Surveying

Montianova А.N., Vilchinsky V.B., Trofimov А.V.
On stowing materials cost reduction at the mines of the transpolar branch of the Norilsk nickel mining and metallurgical company PAO
Khrunina N.P., Cheban A.Yu.
Assessment of the effect of water saturation on disintegration of sands with high clay content when mining precious metal placers
Erkushov V.Yu., Kononenko V.N.
Impact of dynamic loads on the landslide-prone motorway section near Sochi


Kolokoltsev V.M., Vdovin K.N., Sinitsky E.V., Feoktistov N.A.
Evaluation of service durability and simulation of a technology of "Excavator bucket tooth" casting
Savinov A.S.
Stress state calculation when introducing asymmetric hindrance elements of cast details into sand layer of variable rigidity

Metal forming

Goloviznin S.M., Pokachalov V.V., Pykhov L.E.
Effects of wire drawing speed on mechanical properties of high-strength reinforcing wire
Pesin A.M., Pustovoitov D.O., Vafin R.K.
Simulation of temperature fields in a deformation zone during asymmetric rolling of aluminum alloys
Pustovoitov D.O., Pesin A.M., Sverdlik M.K.
Mathematical simulation of grain evolution during asymmetric rolling of pure aluminum and 7075 alloy

Materials Science and heat treatment of metals

Poletskov P.P., Gushchina M.S., Berezhnaya G.A., Alekseev D.Yu., Nabatchikov D.G.
Effect of heat treatment conditions on mechanical properties of high-strength rolled steel sheet

Standardization, sertification, and quality management

Valiaeva G.G., Puzankova E.A., Ivanova T.A., Reent N.A., Trofimova V.Sh.
Simulation and assessment of metal products quality under conditions of the accepted production technology

Reliability and Service Life of Metallurgical Facilities

Parshin V.S., Karamyshev A.P., Chygrynskiy A.E., Chumakova L.А., Nekrasov I.I.
Mathematical model building of dynamic loading of lever radial-forging machine

Power Engineering in Metallurgy, Energy Saving and Electrical Complexes

Parsunkin B.N., Polukhina E.I., Petrova O.V.
Key performance indicators for a dynamic optimisation of the energy-saving electric-arc units control

Economics, management, and market of products. Management

Maiorova T.V., Ponomareva O.S.
Economic efficiency assessment methodology of metallurgical industry environmental management

Personnel training for industry

Bolgova M.А., Podlegaev А.V.
Action strategy of educational institutions of higher education under conditions of higher-education upgrading in the russian federation. Social and economic analysis

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Mineral Mining

Pershin G.D., Karaulov N.G., Ulyakov M.S.
Modern technological schemes of dimension high-strength stone mining
Medyanik N.L., Girevaya Kh.Ya., Kalugina N.L., Varlamova I.A., Bodyan Ly.A., Girevoy T.A.
Study of the sorption activity of a coal surface
Solozhenkin P.M., Degodia E.Yu., Shavakuleva O.P.
Modified fatty acids, their molecular modelling for the forecast of flotation of ores of alkaline-earth elements
Karimova L.M., Kairalapov Y.T.
Dependence of spontaneous achievement of maximum chloridizing roasting temperature of rough copper sulphide concentrate

Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals

Sibagatullin S.K., Kharchenko A.S.
Identification of an efficient sequence of charging components of raw materials into the hopper of the bell-less charging device of a chute type by physical modeling
Pozhidaev Yu.A., Stolyarova M.S., Babintsev Ya.V.
Efficient coke quenching methods


Kolokoltsev V.M., Sinitskiy Ye.V., Savinov A.S.
Modelling of temperature fields when producing castings

Metal Forming

Belyaev S.V., Bogdanov D.V., Gubanov I.Yu., Gorokhov Yu.V., Krokhin A.Yu., Frolov V.F., Kostin I.V.
Analysis of power conditions of continuous extrusion by the conform process
Kurmachev Yu.F.
Design and calculation of a reducing zone of grooves for cold rolling mills for tubes from aluminum alloys
Kolmogorov G.L., Chernova T.Vy., Burdina Yu.A.
Efficiency of optimization of a drawing tool geometry
Shemshurova N.G., Kornilov V.L., Antipanov V.G.
Improving the roll pass design of roll forming mills

Materials Processing Technologies

Belokopytov V.I.
Selecting blanks for stamping forgings from pellets of aluminum alloys
Gerasimenko T.E., Meshkov E.I., Chibashvili A.V.
Mathematical simulation of the pyrolysis process during calcination of carbon-base materials
Kozyr A.V., Kutlubaev I.M., Popova T.M., Pytalev I.A.
Simulation modeling of the process of moving of grinding bodies in a ball mill 75

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Smirnov M.A., Pyshmintsev I.Yu., Laev K.A., Khramkov E.V., Alyutin D.M.
Properties of high-chromium corrosion-resistant steels exposed to high-temperature thermomechanical treatment

Reliability and Service Life of Metallurgical Facilities

Puzik E.A., Zhirkin Yu.V., Filatov A.A.
Increase in the life of bearing supports of four-high stands during their maintenance

Heat Power Engineering of the Metallurgical Industry

Parsunkin B.N., Andreev S.M., Zhadinsky D.Yu., Akhmetova A.U.
Optimal fuel-efficient modes of heating continuously cast billets in continuous reheating furnaces

Ecology of the Metallurgical Industry

Сherchintsev Vy.D., Korotetskaya V.A., Zueva T.Yu.
Strategy and tactics of environmental measures carried out by iron and steel enterprises

HR Management

Logunova O.S., Egorova Ly.G., Koroleva V.V.
A trend in indexes of the publication activity of the academic staff at Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University

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Mining and Mineral Processing

Arefiev S.A. 
Experimental evaluation of dependence of pavement characteristics in quarries on compaction of roads with open pit dump trucks

Transport and Transport Systems

Rakhmangulov A.N., Mirsagdiev O.A. 
A simulation model of quality assessment of voice transmission in operational and technological networks in railway transport

Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals

Druzhkov V.G., Shirshov M.Yu., Prokhorov I.E. 
Techniques for measurement of a hot blast volume per tuyere in a blast furnace hearth

Metal Forming

Tulupov O.N., Moller A.B., Levandovskiy S.A., Kinzin D.I., Olina Anna, Novitskiy R.V., Dzyuba A.Yu., Shurygin V.I., Serpkov E.S. 
Experience in the production of round long products of steel grade 60S2KHA with higher requirements to a decarburized layer depth
Lekhov O.S., Tuev M.Yu. 
Study of stresses in deformation areas and evaluation of wear of rolls of universal stands, when rolling wide-flange beams
Mironov K.A., Kozlov A.V., Sherkunov V.G., Suvorov A.L. 
The study of power characteristics during pipe bending with burnishing, using an automated module and a PC
Trofimov V.N., Karmanov V.V., Panin Yu.V., Korionov M.A. 
Determination of residual stresses in uniaxial plastic deformation of a cylindrical rod

Materials Processing Technology

Baranov V.N., Dovzhenko N.N., Gilmanshina T.R., Lytkina S.I. Khudonogov S.A. 
Research on the dependence of the quality of natural cryptocrystalline graphite on its modes of preparation
Zagirov N.N., Kovaleva A.A., Olkhovik A.Ya., Koval O.E. 
A technological assessment of the possibility of producing a highly porous material from AD31 aluminum alloy chip wastes

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Kolyada L.G., Medyanik N.L., Efimova Yu.Yu., Kremneva A.V. 
Synthesis and research on silver nanoparticles and their possible application in food packaging

Standardization, Certifiation and Quality Management

Tulupovа N.A., Guerra José Alonso, Levandovskiy S.A., Kinzin D.I., Sarancha S.Yu. 
Experience of research of the billets and long products quality in the quality management system at the José Martí metallurgical plant (Cuba)
Danilova Yu.V., Polyakova M.A., Rubin G.Sh. 
Reaching a consensus between consumers and manufacturers is an important stage when developing regulatory documents

New processes and equipment

Neusypin K.A., Proletarsky A.V., Kuznetsov I.A.
Research on an identifiability degree of dynamic system parameters

Power Engineering in Metallurgy, Energy Saving and Electrical Complexes

Nikolaev A.A., Kornilov G.P., Povelitsa E.V., Tulupov P.G. 
Study of different methods to design automated electrode position control systems for electric arc furances and ladle furnaces

Construction Materials and Construction Technologies

Miryuk O.A. 
Porous cement-free compositions

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Teziev T.M., Dzhioeva A.K.
The optimal block length when developing compound nar-row pitching veins
Vasilets V.N., Lapaev V.N., Pikalov V.A.
Problems of increasing the volume and efficiency of production in the zarechny open-pit mine in terms of open-underground mining
Ziyangirov A.R., Gabdrakhimov M.S.
Methods used to determine and control measurement of oper-ating parameters «formation-borehole-equipment»
Panzhin A.A.
Study of CORS geodynamic movements to substantiate control methods of the displacement process in deposits of the Ural region
Klochkovskiy S.P., Smirnov A.N., Savchenko I.A.
Development of physico-chemical bases of an overall use of high-magnesia siderites

Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals

Smirnov L.А., Shulmin D.S., Smirnov A.L., Deryabin Yu.А., Dovgolyuk L.V.
Ladle dephosphorization of low-carbon steel semi-product during the processing of iron containing vanadium by a fluxless monoprocess

Metal Forming

Konstantinov D.Vy., Korchunov A.G.
Multi-scale computer simulation of metal forming processes
Ishimov A.S., Baryshnikov M.P., Chukin M.V.
On the selection of a mathematical function of the equation of state for a description of rheological properties of steel 20 during hot plastic deformation
Nekit V.A., Platov S.I., Kurbakov I.A., Golev A.D.
Experimental study of forward and backward slip during sheet rolling
Karmanov V.V., Trofimov V.N., Nurtdinov A.S., Zvonov S.N.
Experience in application of the XSTRESS robot system to measure technological residual stresses

Materials Science and Metal heat Treatment

Viatkin G.P., Morozov S.I.
Reconstruction of Ni (111) surface of Ni20-XMnX alloys
Koptseva N.V., Golubchik E.M., Efimova Yu.Yu., Chukin D.M., Dabala M.
Electron microprobe analysis of nonmetallic inclusions in high-strength invar alloys obtained using various embodiments of deoxidization

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Rubin G.Sh., Polyakova M.A., Gun G.S.
Modeling of the technological transformation based on S-shape curves of development

Simulation of Metallurgical Processes

Yachikov I.M., Portnova I.V.
Behavior of a magnetic field in a bath of a dc arc furnace with different designs of a supply rail to a bottom electrode

Reliability and Service Life of Metallurgical Equipment

Burnashev R.E., Ryabchikov M.Yu., Grebennikova V.V., Ryabchikova E.S.
The study of probable approaches to controlling the centrifugal-type crushers manufactured by Ural-omega CJSC factoring in the product quality

Power Engineering in Metallurgy, Energy Saving and Electrical Complexes

Bushuev A.N., Kartavtsev S.V., Kulagin A.Yu.
Technical evalution of independent power supply of electric furnace steelmaking implemented at OJSC Ural Steel
Khokhlov Yu.I., Safonov V.I., Lonzinger P.V.
Output and power performance of compensated rectifiers with vector control

Heat Power Engineering in the Metallurgical Industry

Vidin Yu.V., Kazakov R.V.
Calculation of temperature changes of a radial rib in case of radiant heat removing from its surface

Construction Materials and Construction Technologies

Kornilov S.N., Abdukamilov Sh.Sh.
The results of an experimental study of the strength characteristics of barchan sands that form the railway subgrade

Management, Automation and Informational Technologies in Metallurgy

Safonov D.S., Logunova O.S.
Automation of the design of secondary cooling sections of the continious casting machine

Economics, Management and a Market of Products

Alferovа A.V.
The impact of tax factors on a valuation of metallurgical enterprises

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Mining and Mineral Processing

Vokhmin S.A., Kurchin G.S., Kirsanov A.K., Deryagin P.A.
Calculation of parameters of drilling and blasting operations for horizontal and incline working
Meshcheryakov E.Yu., Valeev A.S., Allaberdin A.B.
Rationale for parameters of a combined filling mass in ascending exploitation mining
Pershin G.D., Ulyakov M.S.
Analysis of the influence of cable saw operation modes on cutting of natural stone monoliths from a massif

Metal Forming

Nyashin Yu.I., Osipenko M.A., Gitman M.B.
Equal-stress leaf springs
Baryshnikov M.P., Chukin M.V., Boyko A.B., Dyja H., Nazaybekov A.B.
Research methods of mechanical properties of metals and alloys during their forming subject to an inhomogeneous structure
Pesin A., Korchunov A., Pustovoytov D., Wang K., Tang D., Mi Z.
Finite element simulation of shear strain in various asymmetric cold rolling processes

Materials Processing Technologies

Chukin M.V., Salganik V.M., Poletskov P.P., Denisov S.V., Kuznetsova A.S., Berezhnaya G.A., Gushchina M.S.
Main types and application of nanostructured high-strength sheet products
Calliari I., Breda M., Frigo M. Pellizzari M., Ramous E.
Isothermal ageing in lean duplex stainless steels
Belevskiy L.S., Belevskaya I.V., Efimova Yu.Yu., Koptseva N.V.
Impact friction combined processing by flexible tools
Dyuzhechkin M.K., Sergeenko S.N.
Special features of effect of grinding media during mechanochemical activation of a mixture on the formation of hot-deformed Al-Si-C powder material
Samodurova M.N., Barkov L.A., Dzhigun N.S., Latfulina Yu.S.
New methods and mechanisms degassing carbon powder compositions before compacting
Lekhov O.S., Lisin Ilya Vy., Turlaev V.V., Tuev M.Yu.
The production of bimetallic strips within a combined continuous casting and deformation process

Occupational Safety in Metallurgy

Devyatchenko L.D., Sokolova E.I.
A canonical connection between injuries and a human factor in ferrous metallurgy

Teaching and education theory and methods

Cherchintsev Vy.D., Nefedova E.V.
Integration of environmental and technical education as a condition of professional development of technical university graduates

Scientific review

Kolokoltsev V.M., Petrochenko E.V.
Metallurgical and physicometallurgical aspects related to improvement of functional properties of white iron castings
Gun G.S.
Innovative methods and decisions in materials processing

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Mining and Mineral Processing

Sokolov I.V., Smirnov A.A., Antipin Yu.G., Nikitin I.V., Baranovsky K.V.
Efficiency of underground mining of the tarinnakhsky and the gorkitsky iron ore deposits
Zubkov A.V., Sentyabov S.V., Biryuchev I.V.
The effect of changes of horizontal stresses in rock mass on shaft supports
Karimova L.M.
Sulphatizing roasting of a rough copper sulfide concentrate for sulfuric acid leaching
Kuzbakov Zh. I.
Factoring into transient processes in a jaw crusher when crushing ferromaterials
Vagin V., Filatov A.M., Kurochkin A.I
Reduction of dynamic loads in mobile sinking hoisting plants with a gearless hydraulic drive

Foundry Engineering

Kolokoltsev V.M., Kotok A.P., Dolbilov K.A.
Problem with sulfur in cast steel
Shevchenko E.A., Stolyarov A.M., Shapovalov A.N.
Method of determining the rational length of supporting systems for narrow faces of continuously cast slabs to prevent bulging

Metal Forming

Salganik V.M., Denisov S.V., Poletskov P.P., Stekanov P.A., Berezhnaya G.A., Alekseev D.Yu.
Physical modeling of production processes of hot-rolled plates with a unique set of properties

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Bogdanova T.A., Dovzhenko N.N., Merkulova G.A., Gilmanshina T.R., Latypov F.R.
Influence of heat treatment modes and application of a decorative protective coating on mechanical properties and the structure of automobile wheel disks of AK7pch alloy
Varnak O.V., Ilyin S.I., Pyshmintsev I.Yu., Smirnov M.A., Teterkin S.N.
Strain aging of pipe steel with the ferrite-bainite structure

Simulation of Metallurgical Processes

Bigeev V. A., Chernyaev A.A., Panteleev A.V.
Mathematical modelling of the two-stage method for sludge and dust recycling

Reliability and Useful Life of Metallurgical Equipment

Sultanov N.L., Girkin Yu.V., Shlenkina M.A.
Research of reliability of rolling bearings on tandem cold rolling mill 2000 at OJSC MMK

Power Engineering in Metallurgy, Energy Saving and Electrical Complexes

Trofimova V.S., Lipatnikov A.V.
Development of planning techniques for hourly electricity consumption by a large-scale metallurgical plant (by the example of MMK)

Ecology of the Metallurgical Industry. Environmental Protection

Cherchintsev V.D., Volkova E.A., Serova A.A., Romanova E.Yu.
Assessment of the ecological state of the magnitogorsk dam pond and time history of its main pollution indicators

Economics, Management and Product Market

Kolokoltseva E.V.
Implementation features of an innovation strategy in ferrous metallurgy

HR Management

Suleimanov M.G., Abdullina L.S.
Evaluation of personnel reliability for professional personnel selection in metallurgy
Logunova O.S., Lednov A.V., Koroleva V.V.
Analysis of the publication activity of the teaching staff at FSBEI HPE Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University

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Mining and Mineral Processing

Statsenko L.G., Branovets N.E.
The "Blending Stockyard" Module Development for Information System Stabilization Quality of Minerals in the Quarry
Karimova L.M.
Combined Method of Processing the Off-balance Copper Sulphide Ore

Processing and Utilization Technologies for Technogenic Formations and Wastes

Voroshilova M.V., Korostovenko V.V., Stepanov A.G., Galaiko A.V.
Bioindication of Changes in Water Quality of the Angara River at Discharge Pulse Processing of Effluents from Beneficiation Facilities
Subbotin V.V., Petukhov V.N.
Study of the Influence of Flocculants Performance by the Enrichment of Coal Slurry

Foundry Engineering

Smolko V.A., Antoshkina E.G.
Phenomenological Chemical and Structural Transformations in Synthetic Sand Mixtures

Metal Forming

Rumyantsev M.I., Shubin I.G., Mitasov V.S., Egorov V.N., Gorbunov A.V., Lukyanov S.A., Nasonov V.V.
Assessment of Causes and Development of Measures for Overcoming the Cold Rolling Instability on Continuous Mill 2000 of OJSC MMK
Kurmachev Yu.F., Sokolov R.E., Vysotina A.A.
Calculation of the Longitudinal Profile of the Reduction Zone during Periodic Cold Rolling of Aluminum Alloy Tubes
Trofimov V. N, Kuznetsova T.V., Panin Yu.V., Shardin A.A.
Drawing Force of Solid Rectangular Section Profiles

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals. Material Properties

Pashinsky V.V., Subbotina M.G.
Method Development for Comparative Assessment of Carbide Alloys Properties Using the Berkovich Load-Displacement Curve
Gromov V.E., Ivanov Yu.F., Romanov D.A., Budovskikh E.A., Vashchuk E.S., Denisova Yu.A., Konovalov S.V., Teresov A.D. , Filimonov S. Yu.
Peculiarities of Electroexplosive Copper Plating of Steel 45 and Subsequent Electron-Beam Processing

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Leushin I.O., Nishchenkov A.V., Chistyakov D.G.
Expediency Assessment of Improvement of the Technology of Manufacturing the Cast-Iron Glass Mold Details by Multicriterial Expert Evaluation Methods

Transport and Transport Systems

Arefiev S.A.
Determination of the Basic Parameters of Wheel Dozers Used in Mining Enterprises

Economics, Management and Product Market

Usmanova K.F., Gorokhova O.V.
Creating the System of Development and Competitiveness Indicators for Small Business Entities in the Services Market
Oder D.E.
Strategic Planning of Human Potential and Social Capital


Ponomareva O.S., Maiorova T.V.
Forming of Technical University Students' Readiness for Vocational Adjustment

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Kolokoltsev V.M.
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University. History. Development
Gavrishev S.E., Kalmykov V.N., Burmistrov K.V., Tomilina N.G., Zalyadnov V.Y.
Performance evaluation of opening supplies schemes with the use of quarry lifts
Gorbatova E.A., Ozhogina E.G.
The effect of ore microstructures of firestone deposits on their tailings structure
Bigeev V.A., Valiakhmedov A.Kh., Yener Burak, Fedyanin A.N.
Steel smelting experience in the superpower arc furnace with firm cast iron raised consumption
Kolokoltsev V.M., Konopka Z., Petrochenko E.V.
Structure and properties of white irons of different alloying systems
Stolyarov A.M., Somnath Basu, Potapova М.V., Didovich S.V.
About the methods of impact on the steel continuous casting billet forming
Kolokoltsev V.M., Vdovin K.N., Savinov A.S., Sinitskiy E.V.
Temperature fields of the casting – casting form system under unbalanced solidification conditions for complex alloyed steels
Schastlivtsev V.M., Yakovleva I.L., Koptseva N.V. Efimov Y.Y., Nikitenko O.A.
The structure formation regularities in thermal-deformational affecting in the high-strength reinforcement production
Sychkov A.B., Parusov V.V., Dziuba Y., Ivin Y., Zaitsev G.S.
The features of high carbon wire rod manufacturing technique
Chukin M.V., Golubchik E.M., Gun G.S., Kopceva N.V., Efimova Y.Y., Chukin D.M., Matushkin A.N.
The study of physical and mechanical properties and structure of high-strength alloys of invar all-in-one-generation class
Salganik V.M., Chikishev D.N., Denisov S.V., Poletskov P.P., Rumyantsev M.I., Kunitsyn G.A.
The development of innovation rolling process theory and technology
Gun I.G., Mikhailovskiy I.A., Osipov D.S., Kutsependik V.I., Salnikov V.V., Gun E.I., Smirnov Ar.V., Smirnov Al.V.
The development, modeling and improvement of automotive ball joints manufacturing processes
Korchunov A.G., Tereshchenko N.A., Efimova Y.Y., Dabala M., Dolgiy D.K.
Features of changes in mechanical properties of cold-worked eutectoid steel in mechanothermal processing
Golubchik E.M.
Adaptive control of metal products quality
Chukin M.V., Tulupov O.N., Kulkov I.V., Moller A.B.
Strategic vision of International industrial collaboration of the BRICS: the development of engineering and innovations in steel industry
Belov V.K., Begletsov D.O., Gubarev E.V., Denisov S.V., Djakova M.V., Smirnov K.V.
The use of 3D topographic characteristics of surfaces in engineering
Tulupov O.N., Moller A.B., Nigris G., Chukin M.V, Kinzin D.I.
Flexible solutions in technology and personnel training: positive collaboration experiences with Danieli
Pesin A.M., Dyja H., Kawalek A. Szyinski P., Pustovoitov D.O., Satonin A.V., Churukanov A.S.
The investigation of speed asymmetry effect on parameters of various sheet rolling processes
Gun G.S., Mezin I.Yu., Rubin G.Sh., Minayev A.A., Nazaybekov A.B., Dyja H.
The research genesis in the field of metal products quality
Rubin G.Sh., Polyakova M.A.
Development of standartization fundamentals
Gitman M.B., Pustovoit K.S., Stolbov V.Y., Fedoseev S.A., Gun G.S.
The conceptual model of the situational center of the industrial enterprise
Gladskikh V.I., Drobny O.F., Las’kov S.A., Сherchintsev V.D.
Modernization of industrial and ecological safety systems at OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works as an obligatory condition for sustainable development
Platov S.I., Ogarkov N.N., Terentyev D.V., Zhelezkov O.S., Rubanik V.V., Vassal J.-P.
The theory and technology development for machinery, aggregates and tools designing in pressure and cutting processing
Rakhmangulov A.N., Kornilov S.N., Kolga A.D.
Timeliness of freight traffic in transport technological systems
Andreev S.M., Parsunkin B.N., Akhmetov T.U.
The development and investigation of billet heating energy saving control system in sheet mill reheating furnaces
Lukyanov S.I., Karandaev A.S., Evdokimov S.A., Sarvarov A.S., Petushkov M.Yu., Khramshin V.R.
The development and implementation of intelligent systems for electrical equipment state diagnostics
Krishan A.L., Krishan M.A., Sabirov R.R.
Perspectives to apply concrete filled steel tube columns in construction projects of Russia
Antsupov V.P., Dvornikov L.T., Gromakovskii D.G., Antsupov A.V. (jun.), Antsupov A.V.
Fundamentals of physical theories reliability of machine parts on criteria kinetic strength of materials
Grinberg R.S., Zhuravin S.G., Nemtsev V.N.
The new scientific investigate paradigm under innovatory strategy implementation

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Kolokoltsev V.M., Petrochenko E.V.
Structure features and properties of high-alloy white irons
Vdovin K.N., Gorlenko D.A., Zavalischin A.N.
Structure changes of chromium-nickel indefinite cast irons in heating
Hamedon Z., Mori K.-I., Maeno T., YamashitaY.
Hot stamping of titanium alloy sheet using resistance heating
Sztangret M., Pietrzyk M.
Applications of plane strain compression tests for identification of flow stress models of materials and for physical simulation of metal forming processes
Pesin A.M.
Scientific school of asymmetric rolling in Magnitogorsk
Kawałek A., Dyja H.
Analysis of variations in roll separating forces and rolling moments in the asymmetrical rolling process of flat products
Chukin M.V., Korchunov A.G., Gun G.S., Polyakova M.A., Koptseva N.V.
Nanodimentional structural part formation in high carbon steel by thermal and deformation processing
Satonin А.V., Кorenko М.G., Nastoyashchaya S.S., Perekhodchenko V.A.
The development of engineering methods for calculating energy-power parameters of relatively thin strips hot rolling process
Borovik P.V.
3d model of cutting by rolling cut type shears
Gribkov E.P., Danilyuk V.A.
Mathematical modelling of srtess-strain behavoir in rolling of the compositions including powder materials
Tulupov O.N., Moller A.B., Kinzin D.I., Levandovskiy S.A., Ruchinskaya N.A., Nalivaiko A.V., Rychkov S.S., Ishmetyev E.N.
Structural-matrix models for long product rolling processes: modeling production traceability and forming consumer properties of products
Logunova O.S., Matsko I.I., Posochov I.A.
Integrated system structure of intelligent management support of multistage metallurgical processes
Shatokhin I.M., Bigeev V.A., Shaymardanov K.R., Manashev I.R.
Investigation of combustion in titanium-ferrosilicon system
Parsunkin B.N., Andreev S.M., Akhmetov T.U., Mukhina E.Y.
Optimal energy-efficient combustion process control in heating furnaces of rolling mills
Antsupov A.V., Antsupov A.V. (jun), Antsupov V.P.
Designed assessment of machine element reliability due to efficiency criteria
Gun G.S., Rubin G. Sh., Chukin M.V., Gun I.G., Mezin I.U., Korchunov A.G.
Metallurgy qualimetry theory design and development
Lutsenko A.N., Rumyantsev M.I., Tulupov O.N., Moller A.B., Novitskiy R.V.
Technological reserves: reasonable implementation of simple solutions to improve hot rolling technology
Drobny O.F., Cherchintsev V.D.
Development and implementation of measures to improve environmental situation within Magnitogorsk industrial hub
Kolga M., De Smedt V., Van Nerom L.
Planning Principles in Metallurgy
Polikarpova M.G.
Fuzzy-logic-based risk management of M&A deals outcome: a casy-study a large russian metallurgic holding

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Mining and Mineral Processing

Kubak D.A., Petuchov V.N., Semenov D.G.
The investigation of the effect of complex reagents sectional chemical composition on coal flotation efficiency

Chyzhevsky V.B., Shavakyleva O.P.
Titaniferous magnetite ores enrichment in order to receive conditioning ilmenite concentrates

Zoteev O.V., Kalmykov V.N., Gogotin A.A., Zubkov An.A., Zubkov A.A.
The investigation of tailings physical and mechanical properties for the development of the method of filling solid mass forming in Uchalinsky quarry waste area

Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals

Kaskin K.K.
The liquid-phase processes of iron and steel direct production
Bushuyev A.N., Gunter D.A.
The dependence of metal furnace charge porosity changing on the charging bucket height in electric furnace steelmaking
Panishev N.V., Bigeev V.A., Chernyaev A.A.
Fine-grained metallurgical wastes recycling for iron pellets production and zinc extraction
Kolokoltsev V.M., Ivanova I.V., Petrochenko E.V.
High-temperature processing of melt оf casting die steel 4Х5В2ФС

Metal Forming

Gromov V.Ye., Ivanov Yu.F., Romanov D.A., Vaschuk E.S., Tang G., Raykov S.V., Budovskikh E.A., Song G.
Characteristics of electroexplosive copper plating of steel 45 and subsequent electron-beam processing
Okulov R.A., Parshin S.V.
The significance of the back tension usage in cross-sectional tube drawing process
Hamedon Z., Mori K.-I., Maeno T., Yamashita Y.
Hot stamping of titanium alloy sheet using resistance heating
Chukin M.V., Pesin A.M., Rydz D., Torbus N., Polyakova M.A., Gulin A.E.
The use of intentionally created high-speed asymmetry in bimetal Ti-Ni rolling
Pesin A.M., Dyja H., Kawalek A., Szyiński P., Pustovoitov D.O.
The application of two asymmetry factors in plate rolling

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals

Parusov V.V., Sychkov A.B., Chujko I.N., Parusov O.V., Suhomlin V.I.
The investigation of rod microstructure from alloy steel of welding applications
Fedoseyeva M.A.
Strength and hardness of the Al-FeTi material on the basis of mechanochemically activated chip powder D-16

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies

Kameneva A.L., Soshina T.O.
Phisico-mechanical properties of films on the ti-al-n basis, deposited by pulsed magnetron sputtering under the influence of variable gas pressure

Standardization, Certification and Quality Management

Kharitonov V.A., Petrov I.M.
Assessment and ways for competitiveness increasing of coil reinforcing steel

Safety and Durability of Equipment

Rodionov N.A., Sotnikov A.L., Jurba V.V.
The investigation of inertial loads influence on the loading of hunting hinged lever motion of varietal continuous casting machine 70
Belevskiy L.S., Ismagilov R.R.
Industrial tests of rollers produced from electroslag remelting ingots on cold rolling sheet mills
Kolga A.D., Aibashev D.M.
Performance capabilities to reduce loads in the jaw crushers

Metallurgical Power Engineering, Energy Saving and Heat Power

Omelchenko E.Y., Moiseev V.O., Telezhkin O.A.
Current regulators work analysis
Kuzbakov Z.I.
The electric drive dynamic of jaw crusher in loading, depending on eccentric shaft transferring

Construction Materials and Structural Engineering

Miryuk О.А.
Optimization of technogenic filler fractional proportion of fine grained concrete

Economics, Management and Production Market. Law

Krasnoselskaya D.Kh, Kochetkov S.M.
The calculation of optimal ratio of physical and human capital accumulation rates: theoretical and practical aspects of «normative» parameters modeling
Belonogov O.V., Trilyev A.E.
The organisation of the manufacturing inspection department at the site of sibay underground mine
Pimonova T.K.
The application of logistic management methods of stocks spare parts in the management system of the industrial enterprise
Borisov A.N.
The state as an actor lawmaking relations: the preconditions of development and modern state of the problem

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Mining and Mineral Processing

Zarubin M. Yu., Fionin E.A., Danilets E.V.
Analysis of the impact of rock mass excavation technological schemes on quality indexes in mineral deposit open mining

Processing and Recycling Technology of Technogenic Formations and Wastes

Melnikov I.T., Pytalev I.A., Melnikov I.I., Shevtsov N.S.
Theoretical research of hydrotransport of polydisperse and polymineral tails of mineral processing industry
Medianik N.L., Varlamova I.A., Kalugina N.L.
Features of organic complexing agent assortment by quantum chemical method for heavy metal cation selective extraction from solutions
Chesnokov Yu.A., Leont’ev L.I., Sheshukov O.Yu., Dmitriev A.N., Vitkina G.Yu., Marshuk L.A.
Pyrometallurgic recycling of aluminum production scraps
Bigeev V.A., Bogdanovsky A.S.
Energy metallurgical complex on old automobile tire recycling

Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals

Katrenov B.B., Zhumashev K.Zh., Selivanov E.N.
Copper sulfate impact on dynamic strength of copper concentrate pellets
Kabakov D.U., Samokhvalov S.E., Piptyk V.P., Filatova O.A.
Modelling of hydrodynamics and heat transfer of the melted steel in a ladle furnace while arc heating is performed

Foundry Engineering

Moshkunov V.V., Stolyarov A.M.
Determination of the first limit of conductivity in the double-phase zone of pipe-steels slabs

Metal Forming

Dyja H., Sygut M.
Theoretical analysis of gauges wear in rolling of rounds
Rozov Y.G.
Finite element model of the tubular blank drawing on the shaped mandrel in the conical matrix

Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals. Determination of Metals and Alloys Properties

Denisov S.V., Zavalishchin A.N., Koghevnicova E.V., Rumyancev M.I.
Change of microalloyed steel microstructure in manufacturing processing
Mamina L. I., Baranov V. N., Bezrukikh A.I., Gilmanshina T.R., Yuriev P.O.
Research addiction wettability used in metallurgy graphite various quality
Balonin N.A., Sergeev M.B.
M-matrices and crystal structures
Chukin M.V., Golubchik E.M., Kuznetsova A.S., Rodionov Y.L., Korms I.A., Bukhvalov N.Yu., Kasatkin A.V., Poduzov D.P.
Development of invar class multifunctional alloys with enhanced performance characteristics
Slabkiy D.V.
Mechanical properties of hot deformed materials by mechanically activated aluminum chips D-16

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies

Kharitonov V.A., Usanov M.Yu.
State and ways of continuous method development for round wire nanostructuring

New Technological Processes and Equipment

Derjabin I.P., Chaburkina A.S.
Application of engineering process design parametric methodology for deep holes machining
Belevskiy L.S., Ismagilov R.R.
Experience of manufacturE of cast steel working rolls of cold rolling mill from electroslag remelting ingots
Pavlova N.G., Nikitin S.V., Emelushin A.N.
Research of conditions of press scissors operation for scrap metal processing to increase their productivity
Sergeev S.V., Sergeev Y.S., Reshetnokov B.A., Shalamov V.G.
Analysis of mechanisms of processing error formation in penetrating of rotating multiblade bodies into solid continuum

Metallurgical Power Engineering

Gelman M.V., Brylina O.G.
Power electronics devices research using simulation modeling
Koptsev V.V.
High-speed energy-efficient burner devices burner arrangements for rotary lime and rotary cement kilns

Economics, Management and Production Market

Bogatyrev S.Yu.
Appraisal of human and intellectual capital of Russian innovative companies
Eremeev D.V.
Conceptual model of competitiveness relationship of high technology enterprise and its innovative facilities
Vasilieva N.F.
About the possibility of application of the formula for the optimal size of order to manage inventory in ferrous metallurgy
Pinkovetskaya J.S.
Pinkovetskaya J.S. Analysis of distribution basic indicators of entrepreneurial structures in the regions of Russia

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Mazhitov A.M., Mescheryakov E.J.
Definition of parameters and indicators adaptive version of the system design with area-butt release for the conditions of working off flat deposit
Melnikov I.T., Zalyadnov V.Y., Shevtsov N.S., Pavlova E.V., Pogorelov A.Y., Smyatkin A.N.
Automated calculation of slope stability of pit walls
Vagin V.S., Kurochkin A.I.
Alignment of dynamic loadings mobile pass elevating installations with unreducer high moment a hydrodrive
Osadchiy V.I., Maulyanbaev T.I., Kuzmin S.L.
Design technologies and exchange of containers on the lifting points

Processing and Utilization Technologies of Formations and Wastes

Rylnikova M.V., Emelianenko E.A., Angelova E.I.
The effectiveness of the technical lignosulphonate leaching stale wastes from copper pyrite ores
Bikbaeva G.A., Orehova N.N., Kulikova E.A.
Clinker application in complex treatment of technical sewage of mining and metallurgical facilities

Pressure Treatment of Metals

Vdovin К. N., Petrov I.Е., Pozin А.Е.
Measurements of CCM moulds narrow walls wears
Korchunov A.G., Bigeev V.A., Sychkov A.B., Zaitsev G.S., Ivin Y.А., Dziuba Y.A.
Improvement of the rolling coils steel 80R in JSC «MMK»
Kolmogorov G.L., Kobeleva E.K., Snigireva M.V., Chernova T.V.
Energy-power characteristics at drawing threemetal billet
Slavin V.S., Brichko A.G.
Methods of analytical description of deformation zone geometry during reinforcement wire-drawing in the groove with offset rollers pairs
Naizabekov A.B., Talmazan V.A., Erzhanov A.S.
Simulation burnishing of superficial defects of the «pin-hole» type in cold rolling using computers
Kalugina O.B.
Numerical solving task of optimization shape of exhaust break-down pass

Technologies of Material Processing

Belevskiy L.S., Belevskaiy I.V., Ephimova Y.Y.
Restoration of dimension and form of part by combined treatment
Kolenchin N.Ph., Kuskov V.N., Safronov A.V., Shadrina P.N.
Ozone and ultrasound influence on forming and properties of anode coating on aluminum and its alloys

Material Science and Thermal Metal Treatment

Golubchik E.M., Kopceva N.V., Meshkova A.I., Efimova J.J., Nikitenko O.A., Medvedeva E.М.
Effect of annealing on microstructure and properties of welded joints produced by laser welding of low carbon steel strips
Koryagin Yu.D., Okishev K.Yu., Sozykina A.S.
Estimation of carbon content and heat treatment ef-fects on phase composition of chromium-vanadium cast irons
Zagirov N.N., Ivanov E.V., Kovaleva A.A., Anikina V.I.
Peculiarities of structure and properties formation of hot pressed rods from leaded brass friable chips

Modeling of Metallurgical Processes

Moshkunov V.V., Stolyarov A.M., Kazakov A.S., Bulanov L.V., Yurovskiy N.A., Cheremisin D.D.
Mathematical simulation process soft redaction slabs of continuous casting tube steel

Power Supply of Metallurgy, Energy Saving and Heat Power

Zh.I. Kuzbakov
Reduction of dynamic loads from the drive the jaw crusher for crushing high- strength materials
Zaslavets B.I., Malafeev A.V., Yagolnikova E.B.
Decrease in tariffs for electric power transfer at the expense of compensation of jet power

Economics, Management and Production Market

Latfullin R.R., Vasileva N.F.
Features logistics in metallurgical holdings
Oder D.E.
Strategic planning in the field of productivity and economic growth in Russia
Akshentsev F.I., Trilyev A.E.
Improving the system of wage drivers of the car in the underground mine of Sibay
Kuzina G.V., Usmanova C.F.
Algorithm development commercialization of innovation

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Mining. Rational Environmental Management

Kuzbakov ZH. I.
Determination of loads in the spacing plate of a jaw crusher taking into account the ramp loading
Vokhmin S.A., Zagirov N.H., Trebush Yu.P., Kurchin G.S., Maiorov E.S.
Normalization of loss and dilution as a mechanism of rational use of natur
Pershin G.D., Mitin A.N.
Geometric characteristics of the contact surface of the rock-breaking model of diamond abrasive tools
Konstantinova S.A., Aptukov V.N., Merzlyakov A.F.
The specimen geometry effect on the short-term sylvinity, carnallite, rock salt relaxation and creep rate

Vehicles and Transportation

Osintsev N.A., Rakhmangulov A.N.
Railcar flow management in industrial transport systems

Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals

Kaskin K.K.
Comparative analysis of corrosion-resistant steel intermediates smelting and ore-smelting furnaces
Djuldina E.V., Selivanov V.N., Gelchinski B.R., Rybalko O.F., Lozovsky E.P., Korotin A.V.
Changing the working layer of lining caster tundish during continuous casting of steel
Shevchenko E.A., Stolyarov A.M., Shapovalov A.N.
The quality slab billet, casted on curved CCM with vertical section, in studied

Pressure Treatment of Metals

Kholmogorov G.L., Trofimov V.N., Chernova T.V.
Improved (combined) friction rate conditions by drawing
Haritonov V.А., Stolyarov A.Y.
Effect of geometric parameters of the deformation zone on destruction of the wire during drawing
Gerasimov V.Y., Paryshev D.N.
Regularities of athermic metal weakening during dragging of steel rods
Kozlov A.V., Bobylev A.V., Sherkunov V.G.
Research of temperature characteristics in a zone flaring

Material Science and Thermal Metal Treatment

Dovjenko N.N., Sidelnikov S.B., Drozdova T.N., Trifonenkov L.P., Voroshilov D.S., Sidelnikov A.S.
Research of the structure of metal and estimation of properties cast and deformed semi-finished products from alloys of Al-REM system containing different a

Quality Management product

Fedoseev S.A., Gitman M.B., Stolbov V.Yu.
On-time delivery as a measure of the quality of products
Sukhantsev S.S., Gitman M.B., Elyseev A.S.
Statistical analysis of the factors influencing the formation of defects in the process of car axles production

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Semashko M.Yu., Sherkunov V.G., Chigintsev P.A.
Modeling microstructure of metals, subjected to severe plastic deformation in the system DEFORM

Modeling of Technological Processes

Naizabekov A.B., Talmazan V.A., Yerzhanov A.S.
Mathematical modeling of a burnishing of superficial defects of the «dent» type cold rolling
Pustovoitov D.O., Pesin A.M., Perehogih A.A., Sverdlik M.K.
Modeling of shear deformation in the limiting case of asymmetric sheet rolling
Platov S.I., Dema R.R., Zotov A.V.
Model of the formation thickness clad layer for friction pairs of process equipment
Zhirkin Y.V., Puzik E.A.
Analytically and experimental method used for definition the temperature coefficient of the elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication

Power Supply and Heat Power of Metallurgy

Kornilov G.P., Nikolaev A.A., Hramshin T.R., Vahitov T.Ju., Jakimov I.A.
Feature of the simulation the electric arc furnace as electro technical complex
Vigriyanov P.G.
Electromagnetic torque pulsations are driven by motors nine-phase failure of the «shortcut circuit»
Neshporenko E.G., Kartavtsev S.V., Sysuev N.E.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of heat recovery through the perforated fence high-temperature installations

Construction Materials and Structural Engineering

Krishan A.L., Surovtsov M.M.
Experimental researches of strength of flexible concrete-filled tube (CFT) columns

Economics, Management and Production Market

Baskakova N.T., Pesin I.A.
Using the theory of constraints in planning repairing of equipment for metallurgical plants
Razinkin E.I.
Providing the interoperability of electronic commerce on the basis of the module of xml data exchange
Gorokhova O.V.
A regional approach to the definition of competitiveness
Krasnoselskaya D.Kh.
Benchmarking as a tool for improving the economic profile of territories
Pinkovetskaya J.S.
Using the production functions for evaluating the performance of business entrepreneurial structures in the regions

Pedagogics science. Education

Varzhapetian A.G., Markelova N.V.
Risk management in the field of additional professional education projects

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