ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003



Commercial realization of innovation long occupied the minds of many economists. In this article considers the issues of com-mercialization of innovations. Provide statistical information about the created small innovative enterprises in Russia engaged in the commercialization of the innovation. Describes all phases of the innovation process from the idea to the final commercialization of innovations with regard to continuous updating the technology, product. Considering the stage of obtaining titles of protection for intellectual property statistics for Russia.

Describes each stage of commercialization of innovation and thus created an algorithm which other newly created small innovative enterprises use it for commercial implementation of their innovation. Very important is the evaluation phase of innovation. There are many methods of this assessment, but not all of them can be used for the assessment of new technology, new product. The article contains the main methods of assessment, describes the problems that can occur when the evaluation and future attachment intellectual property in the authorized capital of a small innovative enterprise.

In conclusion, the author describes the experience based on the created small innovation enterprise at the University.


Innovative SMEs, innovation, commercialization, small business, business ideas, methods of assessment of the intangible asset.

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