ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003



This article presents an overview of advanced areas of research in the field of pipe-extrusion system theory, technology and equipment improvent. The article introduces performance features of new energy-saving pipe-extrusion methods. Through the results of experimental studies using the laboratory and technical facilities of the drawing and extrusion laboratory of ‘RosNITI’ Joint Stock Company and the QForm 2D/3D final element simulation, the aurthor shows the application efficiency of new pipe-extrusion methods and devices and the processes combined, a factor which is associated with the reduction of pipe-extrusion discard and reduction of maximum load and peak loads on deforming tools. The article presents an innovative approach to extrusion process improvement which ensures expansion of the hot-presset pipe assortment in the setting of running pipe extrusion systems and makes it possible to manufacture internal helical fine pipes. The results of pipe-extrusion simulation with forced rotation of the mandrel have been analyzed, and the possibility and feasibility of its application are proposed.
At the same time, the author indicates valid geometrical dimensions of mandrels, if taken into account, ensuring production of pipe products of this type. The author provides a link to the software for engineering calculations of process power parameters and geometric parameters of pipe-extrusion tool profiling to produce internal helical fine pipes. In addition to consolidated results of research on direct pipe extrusion, the article presents a development of the technical and theoretical background for the lateral pipe extrusion process, but also when combined with casting, reducing and energy storage principles. The potential of current and further research is demonstrated.


Pipe extrusion process, maximum extrusion force, pipe-extrusion discard, accumulating device, pipe with inner ribbing surface (IRS), combined methods and extrusion apparatus, import substitution.


Kosmatsky Yaroslav Igorevich – Ph.D. (Eng.), Responsible for foreign economic activities at the Russian Research Institute of the Tube & Pipe Industries Open Joint Stock Company, Chelyabinsk, Russia. Phone/fax: +7 (351) 734-70-60. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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