ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003

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Problem Statement (Relevance): This article describes one of the many possible ways to experimentally determine the coefficients of the A-form equations indicating the status of a passive six-port device with two input and four output pins. Such six-port device can be used to substitute devices, elements and parts of electrical circuits or electric power systems. Using the numerical values of the six-port device coefficients obtained in this way, we can establish a quantitative relationship between the input and output power characteristics of the substituted devices. Objectives: The objective of this research is to design an experimental technique to determine the numerical values of the coefficients of the A-form equations indicating the status of the passive six-port device with two input and four output pins. Methods Applied: This research relied on such techniques as physical and mathematical modelling, full-scale experiment with the use of all appropriate electrical instruments, as well as indirect measurement of the target values. Originality: The original feature of this research includes the proposed experimental technique to determine the numerical values of the coefficients of the A-form equations establishing the quantitative relationship between the input and output power characteristics of the passive six-port device with two input and four output pins that substitutes devices, elements or parts of electrical curcuits or electric power systems. Findings: The paper describes one of the many possible ways for inferential measurement of the numerical values of the coefficients of the A-form equations indicating the status of the passive six-port device with two input and four output pins. To achieve the above stated goal, a series of six experiments is necessary. Due to these experiments, the numerical values of six different types of the A-form equations can be obtained. Through a combined solution of these equations formulas can be obtained to calculate the coefficients of the equations. Practical Relevance: The numerical values of the coefficients of the A-form equations will help establish a quantitative relationship between the input and output power characteristics (such as voltages and currents) of the devices, elements and parts of electrical circuits or electric power systems that can be replaced by a passive six-port device with two input and four output pins. There is a real possibility to establish a quantitative relationship between the coefficients of the A-form equations and the B-form, G-form, H-form, Y-form and Z-form equations, which can also be used to estimate the status of this six-port device. Moreover, the proposed technique can be used to also analyze active six-port devices of a similar design, which means that the proposed technique can offer a comprehensive analysis of the object of interest.


Passive six-port device, six-port device coefficients, circuit, voltages, currents, no-load test, short circuit test, voltmeter, ammeter, phase meter.

Georgiy A. Bolshanin – PhD (Eng.), Professor

Bratsk State University, Bratsk, Russia. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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