ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003



Problem Statement (Relevance): One of the crucial challenges facing Russian iron-and-steel industry today includes the introduction of technologies that will enhance the efficiency of existing operations, make the products more competitive and help develop the production capacity for advanced rolled steel products. Due to the need to quickly find and implement solutions for the above, it is important to identify and adopt techniques that will help find a comprehensive solution in the shortest time and with a high degree of reliability. Objectives: This article describes the results of the research that seeked to develop methods that would help create operating rolling schedules, create and enhance mathematical modeling tools and provide an enhanced tool for assessing the efficiency of processes and operations involved in the production of steel sheets. The expected benefits of the above include an expanded product assortment, improved quality and reduced resource costs. Methods Applied: The methods applied included systems theory, mathematical modeling and computer simulation; statistical methods of analysis and quality control; observation carried out at a number of rolling facilities; production of pilot lots. Originality: The results of the research include a genetic algorithm and a method for computer-aided design of rolling schedules. Mathematical models were developed for various hot and cold rolling mills producing steel sheets and strips meant for different applications. The method of building accommodation models was developed and applied for creating mathware components. To improve the reliability and objectivity of the conclusions the method of analyzing the compliance of the process and product quality was recommended and adjusted. Practical Relevance: The genetic algorithm of computer-aided design is implemented as CAD software for creating rolling schedules for different types of rolling mills. The above software, together with the compliance assessment method, helped come up with the solutions intended to improve the existing production process and adopt new types of flat products (for example, HSLA steel products).


Flat products, technological system, production process, rolling schedule, genetic algorithm of computer-aided design for creating rolling schedules, model building, acommodation model, product quality, process performance, statistical estimation, plate rolling, the reduction mode of a hot wide-strip mill, hot-rolled flat products from HSLA steel.

Mikhail I. Rumyantsev – Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia. Phone: +7(3519)-29-85-70. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. ORCID:

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30. Rumyantsev M.I., Ruchinskaya N.A. Statisticheskie metody dlya obrabotki i analiza chislovoj informatsii, kontrolya i upravlenya kachestvom produkcii: uchebnoe posobie [Statistical methods for numerical data processing and analysis and for product quality management: Learner’s guide]. Moscow: FSUE STC «Informregistr», 2013. State Registration No. 0321303451.

31. Rumyantsev M.I., Lokotunina N.M., Moller A.B. Obrabotka metallov davleniem i kharakteristiki kachestva produkcii: uchebnoe posobie [Metal forming and product quality characteristics: Learner’s guide]. Moscow: FSUE STC «Informregistr», 2013. State Registration No. 0321303454.