ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003



Problem Statement (Relevance): Many thousands of high-cost state diagrams show how different components interact at different concentrations and different temperatures. But also such diagrams highlight the metallographic structure which has no customer value. ("Constitution of Binary Alloys" is the name of the most famous reference books of state diagrams by Hansen, Anderko, Elliott and Schank). The lines of state diagrams are concentration dependences of temperature-defined crystallization and recrystallization intervals. The change of the nature of such intervals is a principal indication of congruently and incongruently melting phases, i.e. σ-phase-like compounds, which are peculiar not in terms of their structure, but rather in terms of their unique useful or harmful properties. We believe that identifying a relationship between state diagrams and abnormal properties of industrial alloys (such as steel, silumin, duralumin) is a matter of great relevance. Objectives: The study aims to establish a relationship between the abnormal properties of binary alloys (such as steel, duralumin, silumin) and the state diagram, or the qualitative change of the crystallization interval. (The qualitative change of the temperature-defined crystallization interval (КИΔ LS, where L is a liquidus, S is a solidus, ΔLS is a difference between the L and S temperatures) takes place as the concentration of the second component rises (or falls) in the eutectic point, at the ends of the eutectic or peritectic horizontals, and close to the points where the liquidus or solidus curve bends if the corresponding solidus or liquidus demonstrates a monotonous curve. Methods Applied: The study is based on established (objective) data showing the relationship between the properties of binary systems (Al – Si, Fe – C, Cu – Al) and the existing phase diagrams. Originality: The abnormal properties of silumins, steels and duralumins may be related to the intermediate phases ~ Al11Si, Al98,5Si1,5, Al7Si, AlSi6, Fe24C, Fe42C, Al41Cu9, Al49Cu, Cu4Al и Cu7Al3 located  close to the qualitative change points within the solidification range or the solid-state transformation range. Practical Relevance: Allowing for the above phases makes the state diagrams useful in practical terms and helps resolve the contradiction expressed by A.A. Bochvar: "The unambiguous relationship between the composition and the properties doesn't appear to exist at all".


Liquidus, solidus, eutecticum, peritectic, intermediate phase.


Karen Yu. Shakhnazarov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor Saint-Petersburg Mining University. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. ORCID:

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