ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003




The objective of the research is to develop a theoretical model of calculating heat transfer at a turbulent flow in the channels of longitudinal-flow tube bundles with lateral ring grooves. The hypothesis used in this article is based on a four-layer simulation of a turbulent boundary layer in the space between separate ring grooves in a hexagonal channel replaced with an equivalent ring channel, and the use of integral relations of turbulent boundary layers for the space in separate grooves. The method is to obtain analytical relations regarding the intensified heat transfer at a turbulent flow in longitudinal-flow tube bundles with lateral ring grooves, depending on geometric characteristics of lateral ring grooves, specifications of longitudinal-flow tube bundles with lateral ring grooves, and the flow pattern of the coolant. These dependencies mainly differ from earlier obtained solutions in a wider commonality and verifiability, with fewer assumptions made. The calculation results obtained correlate well with the available experimental data depending on a wide range of key parameters such as configuration of a longitudinal-flow tube bundle with lateral ring grooves and the coolant flow pattern. However, they are also applicable in a much broader range of key parameters since they are based on assumptions of a very broad commonality. Application of the results of the study made it possible to improve mass and dimension parameters of heat exchangers of the modern metallurgical industry, improve their thermal efficiency, reduce hydraulic coolant pumping losses, and lower the heat exchanger side-wall temperature.


Hadfield modeling, mathematical, heat exchange, intensification, turbulent, flow, pipe, bundle, boundary layer, compound, ring grooves.


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