ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003



When designing the pits, dumps, tailings have always topical task determine the optimum parameters of the slopes of mining structures, providing efficiency and safety. The traditional way to solve the specified problem involves time-consuming graphic-analytical calculation, which requires one to several days of works. Employees of the department «Open working exploitation of mineral» Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov created computer program, in which the finding of the minimum safety factor is produced by choosing the least stable sliding surface array studied by multiple calculations in a few seconds. The results of calculation of the minimum safety factor graphoanalytical traditional method and with the help of a computer program as an example Sibai open pit. Defined convergence of results, which is 98-99%. With the help of the provided computer program can solve a wide range of applications with significant time savings. Using the program is possible to solve the direct problem - determination of the minimum safety factor by the given parameters of the slope and the inverse problem - finding the height or angle of repose for a given coefficient of stability, given the strength characteristics of the rock. Program makes it possible not only to determine the parameters of benches and pit, but dumps, tailings dams, railway embankments and other breeds with the characteristics of the base, which is formed by the construction of mining.


Parameters pit board, the safety factor, the automated calculation of stability, the computer program

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