ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003



Up to date the important role in manufacture and metal rolling processing is taken to knives for metal cutting. In the article the problem of increase in firmness of the replaceable equipment is considered and the decision on one of the first production phases of metal rolling - scrap metal preparation has been found.

Working conditions of knives for metal chipping have been analyzed, the reasons of premature failure and ways of increase of their firmness have been considered. The reasoning for the development of new kind of steel has been presented; steel new chemical composition has been developed for manufacture of knives. Experimental alloys mechanical characteristics tests have been carried out. The optimum mode of metal thermal processing to achieve minimum rate of knife cutting edge wear has been revealed. The alloy with the optimal properties and high level of impact strength in high hardness and firmness preserving is revealed.

After introduction of the knives made of steel with a new chemical composition their work has been analyzed. The results obtained of 40-50% firmness increasing at 4% cost supplement allow to keep existing markets with the prospect of entering the foreign markets.


Scrap metal processing, steel grades, firmness of knives, optimal metal chemical composition, experimental alloys.

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