ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003



The article gives a review of main scientific trends and theoretical results of one of leading departments in Russia – the Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgical Technologies Department of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.


Material forming, quality, metalware production, system approach, innovative methods.

Gun Gennady Semenovich – D.Sc. (Eng.), Advisor of the Rector, Professor, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University. Phone: +7 3519 235 766, 298 526. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

1. Steblyanko V.L. Creation of technologies for bimetal wire and coatings production based on processes combined with plastic deformation. Doctoral dissertation (technical sciences). Magnitogorsk, 2000, 300 p.

2. Steblyanko V.L., Sitnikov I.V. Cleaning and activating metal surfaces before plating and coating processes. Chermetinformatsia: survey information. Moscow, 1991, 22 p.

3. Gostev A.A., Gun G.S., Chukin M.V., Mezin I.Yu. and others. Usage of pig iron chips as raw materials for powder production. Novye tekhnologii polucheniya sloistykh materialov I kompositsionnykh pokrytiy: materially mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii [New technologies for obtaining laminated materials and composite coatings: Papers of the international scientific and technical conference]. Sochi, 5–8 October, 1992.

4. Gun G.S., Mezin I.Yu. Production of Durable Materials and Products on the basis of steel carbide chromium // Advances in Materials & Processes international conference & exhibition, 16-19 February 1992. Mumbai, India, 1992.

5. Gun I.G., Mikhailovskiy I.A., Osipov D.S. and others. NPO BelMag – 10 years of moving ahead. Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk Publishing House, 2007, 104 p.

6. Arkulis G.E. Sovmestnaya plasticheskaya deformatsiya raznorodnykh metallov [Joint plastic deformation of dissimilar metals]. Moscow: Metallurgiya, 1964, 272 p.

7. Arkulis G.E., Dorogobid V.G. Teoriya plastichnosti [The theory of plasticity]. Moscow: Metallurgiya, 1987, 352 p.

8. Belalov Kh.N., Klekovkina N.A., Klekovkin A.A., Nikiforov B.A., Gun G.S., Korchunov A.G., Zyuzin V.I., Kulesha V.A., Savelyev E.V. Proizvodstvo stalnoy provoloki [Production of steel wire: monograph]. Magnitogorsk: Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 2005, 543 p.

9. Belalov Kh.N., Klekovkina N.A., Gun G.S., Korchunov A.G., Polyakova M.A. Stalnaya provoloka [Steel wire: monograph]. Magnitogorsk: Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 2011, 689 p.

10. Kulesha V.A., Klekovkina N.A., Belalov Kh.N. Izgotovlenie vysokokachestvennykh metizov (nauchny i prakticheskiy opyt Beloretskogo metallurgicheskogo kombinata) [Production of high quality metalware (scientific and practical experience of Beloretsk Iron and Steel Works)]. Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk Publishing House, 1999, 328 p.

11. Chukin M.V., Korchunov A.G., Bakshinov V.A., Baryshnikov M.P., Gun G.S., Dolgiy D.K., Efimova Yu.Yu., Kolokoltsev V.M., Koptseva N.V., Kuranov K.Yu., Lebedev V.N., Mezin I.Yu., Polyakova M.A., Chukin V.V; under the general editorship of Chukin M.V. Proizvodstvo vysokoprochnoy stalnoy armatury dlya zhelezobetonnykh shpal novogo pokoleniya [High-tensile steel reinforcement bars for reinforced concrete sleepers of a new generation]. Moscow: Met-allurgizdat, 2014, 276 p.

12. Kharitonov V.A. Trends in wire manufacturing processes. Metalware production in the 21st century: Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. Magnitogorsk, 2001, pp. 4–15.

13. Mezin I.Yu. Development of a theory and technology of working metal products by cold pressing of structurally heterogeneous materials. Doctoral dissertation (technical sciences). Magnitogorsk, 2001, 360 p.

14. Mezin I.Yu. Formirovanie metalloizdeliy iz strukturno-neodnorodnykh materialov [Working metal products from structurally heterogeneous materials: monograph]. Magnitogorsk: Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 2000, 155 p.

15. Gun G.S., Gun I.G., Mezin I. Yu. and others. Efficient downstream steel processing techniques at Magnitogorsk metallurgical plants. New materials and technologies-98: Materials of the all-Russian scientific and technological conference. Moscow: LATMES, 1998, p. 72.

16. Ryabkov V.M., Gun G.S., Mezin I.Yu. The principles of developing steel – carbide chrome composite powder materials by cold deformation of porous ingots. International Conference “Materials by Powder Technology – PTM 93”, March 23–26, 1993, Dresden, Germany.

17. Gun G.S., Mezin I.Yu. Investigation of contact phenomenon during consolidation process in powder material. New technologies for obtaining laminated and powder materials, composite coatings: Papers of the international scientific and technical conference. Sochi, 1993, pp. 115–116.

18. Gun G.S., Mezin I.Yu., Gun I.G. and others. Theoretical and technological principles of manufacturing powders and items with a varied ferrous-base composition. Papers of the all-Russian interuniversity scientific and technological conference “Fundamental problems in metallurgy”. Yekaterinburg: UGTU, 1995, p. 91.

19. Gun G.S., Gostev A.A., Mezin I.Yu., Kozodaev E.G., Timoshenko I.F., Gun I.G. Poluchenie poroshkovykh materialov i izdeliy (Opyt raboty zavoda «Mars») [Manufacturing of powder materials and products (experience of the Mars plant): monograph]. Magnitogorsk, 1993. 112 p.

20. Polyakov M.G., Nikiforov B.A., Gun G.S. and others. Calibration of a VAZ car hinge profile. Teoriya i praktika proizvodstva stalnykh fasonnykh profiley [Theory and practice of steel shaped profile production]. Magnitogorsk: MGMI, 1971, vol. 106.

21. Gun G.S., Bogatyrev Yu.P., Kandaurov L.E and others. Calibration of a T-shape profile for the Moskvich brake block. Teoriya i praktika proizvodstva stalnykh fasonnykh profiley [Theory and practice of steel shaped profile production]. Magnitogorsk: MGMI, 1974. Vol. 140.

22. Gun G.S., Rubin G.Sh., Bogatyrev Yu.P. and others. Field of velocities during T-shape profile rolling in three-roll passes. Izvestiya vuzov. Chernaya metallurgiya, 1979, no. 4.

23. Gun G.S., Gostev A.A., Gun I.G. A conception of a powder metallurgy mini-plant using pig iron chips as an input material. New technologies for obtaining laminated and powder materials, composite coatings: Papers of the international scientific and technical conference. Sochi, 7-10 September 1993. Sochi, 1993.

24. Gun G.S., Mezin I.Yu., Tolmacheva O.B., Gun I.G., Gostev A.A., Kozodaev E.G. and others. Selection of materials and development of a manufacturing technique for brake elements of a light vehicle disc-type brake using powder metallurgy methods. Sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya nauchno-tekhnicheskogo potentsiala Yuzhno-Uralskogo regiona [Status and prospects of the scientific and technical potential development of the South Ural region], papers of the interstate scientific and technological conference. Magnitogorsk: MGMI, 1994, p. 124.

25. Gun G.S., Mezin I.Yu., Tolmacheva O.B., Gun I.G., Gostev A.A., Kozodaev E.G. and others. Using pig iron chips from Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works for antifriction materials production. Obrabotka sploshnykh i sloistykh materialov [Solid and laminated materials processing: Interinstitute collection of scientific papers]. Ed. by Gun G.S. Magnitogorsk: MGMA, pp. 54–65.

26. Gun G.S., Gostev A.A., Kuts V.A., Khrebto V.E., Gun I.G. Mechanical engineering complex development at OJSC MMK. Papers of the 2nd congress of rolling mill engineers. Moscow, 1998, pp. 334–336.

27. Gun I.G., Mikhailovsky I.A. Method of finishing partial spherical surfaces by rolling. Mechanical engineering technology, 2001, no. 4, pp. 334–336.

28. Mikhailovsky I.A., Salnikov V.V., Osipov D.S., Gun I.G. Improvement of a ball joint head planetary rolling modes based on the surface microtopography analysis to increase the quality of products. Vestnik of the Cherepovets State University, 2011, no. 1, vol. 2, pp. 39–44.

29. Salnikov V.V., Mikhailovsky I.A., Gun I.G. Simulating a dam-age process of a car front suspension ball-and-socket joint at axial loading. AAU Journal, 2011, no. 2, pp. 51–53.

30. Gun I.G., Mikhailovsky I.A. Analysis and improvement of a ball joint head planetary rolling process. Improvement of technological processes and car components design: collection of scientific papers. Moscow: AAI-PRESS, 2003, pp. 119–123.

31. Mikhailovsky I.A., Gun I.G., Lapchinsky V.V. Implementation method and analysis of a consolidated test of VAZ 2101-2107 front suspension upper ball joints. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2004, no. 4 (8), pp. 43–50.

32. Mikhailovsky I.A., Gun I.G., Yasakov Yu.M. and others. A test bench for ball-and-socket joints. Patent of the Russian Federation no. 2263889.

33. Gun I.G., Zhelezkov O.S., Mikhailovsky I.A. [A method of pro-cessing a partially spherical ball joint head by surface defor-mation]. Patent of the Russian Federation no. 2162785, 2001.

34. Gun I.G., Artyukhin V.I., Kalmykov Yu.V., Levchenko P.E., Salnikov V.V., Gun E.I. [A ball-and-socket joint]. Patent of the Russian Federation no. 2475652, IPC F16С 11/06. Published on 20.02.2013. Bul. no. 5.

35. Gun I.G., Artyukhin V.I., Gun E.I., Kalmykov Yu.V., Salnikov V.V., Kutsependik V.I. A steering ball-and-socket joint. Patent of the Russian Federation no. 2501995, IPC F16С 11/06, В62D 7/16. Published on 20.12.2013. Bul. no. 35.

36. Mikhailovsky I.A., Gun I.G., Gun E.I., Kasatkina E.G. Sharovye sharniry shassi: sovershenstvovanie konstruktsii, tekhnologii i metodov otsenki kachestva [Chassis ball-and-socket joints: improvement of structures, manufacturing technologies and quality control methods: monograph]. Magnitogorsk: Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 2014, 201 p.

37. Gun I.G., Mikhailovskiy I.A., Osipov D.S., Kutsependik V.I., Salnikov V.V., Gun E.I., Smirnov Al.V., Smirnov Ar.V. The development, modeling and improvement of automotive ball joint manufacturing processes. Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 2014, no. 1 (45), pp. 52–57.

38. Mikhailovsky I.A., Kutsependik V.I., Gun E.I., Gun I.G., Salnikov V.V. Development of planetary-rotating rolling. Metallurgical processes and equipment, 2014, no. 1, pp. 39–45.

39. Gun I.G., Osipov D.S., Mikhailovsky I.A., Kalmykov Yu.V., Kutsependik V.I., Salnikov V.V., Gun E.I. Development, simulation and investigation of metal forming processes during car ball-and-socket joint manufacturing. Innovatsionnye tekhnologii obrabotki metallov davleniem [Metal forming innovative technologies: Papers of the international scientific and technological conference]. Moscow: NUST MISiS, 2011, pp. 482–487.

40. Kutsependik V.I., Gun I.G., Mikhailovsky I.A., Osipov D.S., Salnikov V.V., Gun E.I., Smirnov Ar.V., Smirnov Al.V. Development of metal forming processes to produce car components. XIV International Scientific Conference “New technologies and achievements in metallurgy, material engi-neering and production engineering”: a collective monograph edited by Henryk Dyja, Anna Kawalek. Series: monographs No 31. Czestochowa, 2013, pp. 309–316.

41. Chukin M.V. Theory development and optimization of technological and operational deformation processes for coated products. Doctoral dissertation (technical sciences). Magnitogorsk, 2001, 398 p.

42. Gun G.S., Krivoshchapov V.V., Chukin M.V., Adamchuk V.S., Tsun A.M. Uprochnyayushchie i vosstanavlivayushchie pokrytiya [Strengthening and recovering coatings]. Chelyabinsk: Metallurgiya, 1991, 160 p.

43. Kuznetsov E.I., Chukin M.V., Baryshnikov M.P., Semenova O.V. Sloistye kompozitsionnye pokrytiya v metiznoy promyshlennosti [Laminated composite coatings in the metalware industry]. Vol. 1. Magnitogorsk: PMP MiniTip, 1997, 96 p.

44. Kuznetsov E.I., Chukin M.V., Baryshnikov M.P., Semenova O.V. Sloistye kompozitsionnye pokrytiya v metiznoy promyshlennosti [Laminated composite coatings in the metalware industry]. Vol. 2. Magnitogorsk: PMP MiniTip, 1997, 208 p.

45. Gostev A.A., Chukin M.V., Gun G.S. and others. Hardening of mill rolls by pig iron powder sintering. Development tendencies of OJSC MMK’s mechanical engineering complex: collection of scientific papers. Ed. by Gostev A.A. Magnitogorsk, 1996, pp. 168–171.

46. Gun G.S., Chukin M.V., Baryshnikov M.P. Kinematics of drawing of bilayered composite materials with a polymer matrix. Papers of the 5th International Conference “Films and coatings”. Saint Petersburg, 1998, pp. 5–8.

47. Chukin M.V. Development of a theory of functional coating wire drawing. Papers of the First International Scientific and Technical Conference “Physics of metals and non-conventional material deformation”. Samara, 1999, pp. 36–37.

48. Gun G.S., Chukin M.V. Optimizatsiya protsessov tekhnologicheskogo i ekspluatasionnogo deformirovaniya izdeliy s pokrytiyami [Optimization of technological and operational deformation processes for coated products]. Magnitogorsk: MGTU, 2006, 323 p.

49. Gun G.S. Improvement of the high-precision profile manufacturing technology by optimization of a complex quality criterion. Doctoral dissertation (technical sciences). Moscow, 1985, 276 p.

50. Gun G.S. Upravlenie kachestvom vysokotochnykh profiley [High- precision profile quality management: monograph]. Moscow: Metallurgiya, 1984, 152 p.

51. Gun G.S., Storozhev S.B. Calculation of a complex quality criterion by the example of a quality evaluation of high-precision steel shaped profiles. Standards and quality, 1978, no. 1.

52. Gun G.S. A method of a complex metal products quality evaluation. Izvestiya vuzov. Chernaya metallurgiya, 1982, no. 8.

53. Gun G.S., Rubin G.Sh., Pudov E.A. and others. Complex steel rope wire quality evaluation. News of higher educational institutions. Ferrous metallurgy, 1983, no. 12.

54. Gun G.S. A theoretical justification of a complex metal prod-ucts quality evaluation. News of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Metals, 1983, no. 4.

55. Gun G.S. Criteria of shaped profile manufacturing process quality management. News of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Metals, 1984, no. 2.

56. Mikhailovsky I.A. Increasing performance of a ball-and-socket joint manufacturing process by regulating a set of requirements for the quality of products and materials. Doctoral dissertation (technical sciences). Magnitogorsk, 2011, 310 p.

57. Ushakov S.N., Chukin M.V., Gun G.S., Korchunov A.G., Polyakova M.A. High-strength reinforced bars for reinforced concrete sleepers of a new generation. Railways and railway equipment, 2012, no. 11, pp. 25–28.

58. Chukin M.V., Gun G.S., Korchunov A.G., Polyakova M.A. Prospects for high-strength steel reinforcement bars for ferro-concrete sleepers of a new generation based on thermal and deformational nanostructuring. Ferrous metallurgy. Bulletin of Chermetinformatsia, 2012, vol. 4, pp. 100–105.

59. Chukin M.V., Gun G.S., Korchunov A.G., Polyakova M.A. Prospects for high-strength steel reinforcement bars for ferro-concrete sleepers of a new generation based on thermal and deformational nanostructuring. Week of metals in Moscow: collection of conference papers. 15–18 November 2011. Moscow: VNIIMETMASH, 2012, pp. 79–87.

60. Chukin M., Gun G., Emaleeva D. Manufacturing of high-strength nanostructured reinforcement for ferro-concrete sleepers. XIII International Scientific conference “New technologies and achievements in metallurgy and materials engineering: a collective monograph edited by Henryk Dyja, Anna Kawalek. Series: monographs No 24. Czestochowa, 2012, pp. 327–332.

61. Chukin M.V., Gun G.S., Korchunov A.G., Polyakova M.A. Prospects for production of high-strength steel reinforced bars made of high-carbon steels. Chernye metally, December of 2012, pp. 8–15.

62. Kolokoltsev V.M., Chukin M.V., Gun G.S., Golubchik E.M., Kuznetsova A.S. Organization of low-capacity manufacturing of nanostructured workpieces from multifunctional alloys with special properties. Papers of the 9th congress of rolling mill engineers. Vol. 1. Cherepovets, 16–18 April 2013, pp. 248–251.

63. Chukin M.V., Gun G.S., Korchunov A.G., Polyakova M.A., Koptseva N.V., Dolgiy D.K., Lysenin A.V. Impact of technological modes on mechanical properties and a mi-crostructure of high-strength reinforcement with a diameter of 9.6 mm. IX International Scientific conference “New technologies and achievements in metallurgy and materials engineering: a collective monograph edited by Henryk Dyja, Anna Kawalek. Series: monographs No 31. Czestochowa, 2013, pp. 367–373.

64. Chukin M.V., Gun G.S., Golubchik E.M., Kuznetsova A.S., Bukhvalov N.Yu., Pustovoit K.S. Implementation of a project for low-capacity manufacturing of nanostructured workpieces from multifunctional alloys with special properties. XIV International Scientific conference “New technologies and achievements in metallurgy and materials engineering: a collective monograph edited by Henryk Dyja, Anna Kawalek. Series: monographs No 31. Czestochowa, 2013, pp. 374–378.

65. Chukin M.V., Korchunov A.G., Gun G.S., Polyakova M.A., Koptseva N.V. Nanodimensional in high carbon steel structural part formation by thermal and deformation processing. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2013, no. 5 (45), pp. 33–35.

66. Chukin M.V., Polyakova M.A., Rubin G.Sh., Koptseva N.V., Gun G.S. Outlook for production of high-strength fasteners from carbon steel billets with an ultra-fine grain structure. Press forging. Materials forming, 2014, no. 1, pp. 39–44.

67. Chukin M.V., Golubchik E.M., Gun G.S., Koptseva N.V., Efimova Yu.Yu., Chukin D.M., Matushkin A.N. The study of physical and mechanical properties and the structure of high-strength multifunctional invar alloys of a new generation. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2014, no. 1 (45), pp. 43–48.

68. Chukin M.V., Valiev R.Z., Raab G.I., Koptseva N.V., Efimova Yu.Yu. The study of evolution of the 20 and 45 nanosteel structure at critical plastic deformation degrees. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2007, no. 4 (20), pp. 89–93.

69. Gun G.S., Chukin M.V., Emaleeva D.G., Koptseva N.V., Efimova Yu.Yu., Baryshnikov M.P. The study of formation of the submicrocrystalline structure of a steel wire surface layer to improve its mechanical properties. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhni-cheskogo universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2007, no. 3 (19), pp. 84–96.

70. Gun G.S., Chukin M.V., Emaleeva D.G., Koptseva N.V., Chukin V.V., Baryshnikov M.P. Formation of the submicrocrystalline structure of a steel wire surface layer by equal channel angular drawing. Papers of the 7th Congress of rolling mill engineers. Vol. 1. Moscow, 2007, pp. 364–368.

71. Chukin M.V., Koptseva N.V., Valiev R.Z., Yakovleva I.L., G. Zrnik, T. Covarik. Diffraction electron-microscopic analysis of the carbon structural steel submicrostructure and nanostructure construction after equal channel angular pressing and subsequent deformation. Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 2008, no. 1 (21), pp. 31–37.

72. Efimova Yu.Yu., Koptseva N.V., Chukin V.V., Emaleeva D.G., Zubkova T.A., Nikitenko O.A. Steel-copper bimetallic wire nanostructuring. Papers of the 66th scientific and technical conference. Magnitogorsk: MGTU, 2008, vol. 1, pp. 49–52.

73. Koptseya N.V., Efimova Yu.Yu, Chukin M.V., Polyakova M.A. Influence of preliminary heat treatment on structure and properties of 20 and 45 carbon structural steels nano-structurized via the method of uni-channeled angular extrusion. Ferrous metals [Chernye metally] (Translated from German). July of 2010, pp. 14–19.

74. Koptseva N.V., Efimova Yu.Yu., Baryshnikov M.P., Nikitenko O.A. Formation of a carbon structural steel structure and mechanical properties during nanostructuring by equal channel angular extrusion. Materials deformation and destruction, 2011, no. 7, pp. 11–17.

75. Chukin M.V., Koptseva N.V., Efimova Yu.Yu, Nikitenko O.A., Polyakova M.A. Criterion estimation of severe plastic defor-mation efficiency from the position of their influence on the carbon steel structures evolution. CIS Iron and Steel Review, 2010, pp. 28–31.

76. Chukin M.V., Koptseva N.V., Nikitenko O.A., Efimova Yu.Yu. Mechanical properties of carbon structural ultrafine grained steel. Ferrous metals. Special issue, 2011, pp. 54–59.

77. Koptseva N.V., Efimova Yu.Yu., Baryshnikov M.P., Mikholenko D.A. Impact of temperature and a heating period on the thermal stability of carbon structural steels with an ultrafine grained structure achieved by equal channel angular extrusion. Materials deformation and destruction, 2011, no. 8, pp. 14–20.

78. Koptseva N.V., Mikholenko D.A., Efimova Yu.Yu. Evolution of the microstructure and properties during heating the ferrite-pearlite carbon structural steels with an ultrafine grained structure achieved by intensive plastic deformation. Vestnik of Voronezh State Technical University, 2011, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 85–91.

79. Efimova Yu.Yu., Koptseva N.V., Chukin V.V., Polyakova M.A., Baryshnikov M.P. The study of the nanostructured carbon steel bolt structure and properties. Obrabotka sploshnykh I sloistykh materialov [Solid and laminated materials processing: interuniversity collection of scientific articles ed. by Chukin M.V.]. Magnitogorsk: MGTU, 2008, no. 38, pp. 144–150.

80. Chukin M.V., Koptseva N.V., Baryshnikov M.P., Efimova Yu.Yu., Nosov A.D., Noskov E.P., Kolomiets B.A. The innovative potential of new nanostructured steel metalware production techniques. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2009, no. 2 (26), pp. 64–68.

81. Koptseva N.V., Polyakova M.A., Efimova Yu.Yu., Kuznetsova A.S., Mokhnatkin A.V. The microstructure and physical and mechanical properties of bulk ultrafine grained materials: Certificate on state registration of data bases No. 2010620405 (29.07.2010), application No.201062026 (07.06.2010); published on 20.12.2010. Bul. OBPBT no. 4 (75), pp. 551.

82. Chukin M.V., Baryshnikov M.P., Belyaev A.O. Method for evaluation of the proportionality factor in metal forming processes based on object oriented programming. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2008, no. 4 (24), pp. 76–79.

83. Chukin M.V., Baryshnikov M.P., Belyaev A.O. Approach to the estimation of the friction coefficient in metal forming considering a contact zone as noncompact background. Izvestiya vuzov. Chernaya metallurgiya, 2010, no. 3, pp. 25–28.

84. Baryshnikov M.P., Chukin M.V., Boyko A.B. Analysis of software packages for composite materials stress-strain evaluation during forming. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2012, no. 4 (40), pp. 72–74.

85. Baryshnikov M.P., Chukin M.V., Gun G.S., Boyko A.B. Wire drawing process simulation accounting structure heterogeneity in SIMULIA ABAQUS. Metal plastic deformation. Dnepropetrovsk, 2014, pp. 156–158.

86. Courant R., Friedrichs K., Lewy H. Über die partiellen Diffe-renzengleichungen der mathematischen Physik. Mathematische Annalen. 1928, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 32–74.

87. Toffoli T., Margolus N. Cellular automata machines. Transl. from English. Moscow: Mir, 1991, 280 p.

88. Rubin G.Sh., Shishov A.A. Cellular automaton models of de-formed media. Papers of the 8th Congress of rolling mill engi-neers. Magnitogorsk, 2010, pp. 451–453.

89. Rubin G.Sh., Vakhitova F.T., Lebedev V.N., Guseva E.N., Shishov A.A. A methodological approach to metalware manufacturing quality management based on fuzzy sets. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2009, no. 4 (28), pp. 50–53.

90. Korchunov A.G., Chukin M.V., Gun G.S., Polyakova M.A. Upravlenie kachestvom produktsii v tekhnologiyakh metiznogo proizvodstva [Quality management in metalware production technologies: monograph]. Moscow: Ore and metals, 2012, 164 p.

91. Rubin G.Sh., Chukin M.V., Gun G.S., Zakirov D.M., Gun I.G. Development of a qualimetry theory for metalware. Chernye metally, July 2012, pp. 15–21.

92. Rubin G.Sh., Polyakova M.A., Chukin M.V., Gun G.S. Protipology is the next stage of metalware standartization development. Steel, 2013, no. 10, pp. 84–87.

93. Gun G.S., Chukin M.V., Gun I.G., Korchunov A.G., Mezin I.Yu., Rubin G.Sh., Zakirov D.M. Development of a metalware manufacturing qualimetry theory. Papers of the 9th congress of rolling mill engineers. Vol. 1. Cherepovets, 16-18 April 2013. pp. 237–244.

94. Rubin G.Sh., Gun G.S., Chukin M.V., Korchunov A.G. Qualimetry in metallurgy. Quality in industrial and social and economic systems: Papers of the international scientific and technical conference. Kursk, 2013, pp. 185–189.

95. Rubin G.Sh., Gun G.S., Chukin M.V., Gun I.G., Korchunov A.G. Creation of qualimetry theory in metallurgy. XIV International Scientific conference “New technologies and achievements in metallurgy and materials engineering: a collective monograph edited by Henryk Dyja, Anna Kawalek. Series: monographs No 31. Czestochowa, 2013, pp. 51–55.

96. Gun G.S., Rubin G.Sh., Chukin M.V., Gun I.G., Mezin I.Yu., Korchunov A.G. Metallurgy qualimetry theory design and development. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2013, no. 5 (45), pp. 67–69.

97. Gun G.S., Chukin M.V., Rubin G.Sh. Quality management in metalware production. Metallurgical processes and equipment. LLC Tekhnopark Don GTU UNITEKS (Donetsk, Ukraine). 2013, no. 4 (34), pp. 106–112.

98. Gun G.S., Rubin G.Sh., Chukin M.V., Mezin I.Yu., Korchunov A.G., Gun I.G. Creation and development of a qualimetry theory in metallurgy. Papers of the 10th international scientific and technical conference “Modern metal materials and technologies”. 25–29 June 2013. Saint Petersburg, 2013.

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