DOI: 10.18503/1995-2732-2022-20-2-36-43
Relevance.TheNorth Urals bauxite deposits are a main source of high quality aluminum raw materials in Russia. These deposits are mined since the 1970s and now mining operations have reached the level deeper than 1 km. The North Urals bauxite deposits are characterized by difficult mining and geological conditions. It is particularly important to mention the rock burst hazard, increasing with depth. Within 15 years JSCNorth Urals Bauxite Mine intends to increase production capacity of mines, including by applying high performance mining process flows. The existing mining processes do not provide for the required increase in production capacity without prejudicing safety of stoping operations. One of the factors is the effect of stoping on the bump hazardous massif. Therefore, searching and providing the rationale for process solutions on reducing the effect of stoping on the bump hazardous massif is currently relevant for mining science. Methods Applied. When conducting the studies, we used such methods as a statistical analysis, a comparative analysis, determination of the breakage parameters, influencing the bump hazardous massif. Originality.Originality is that the radically new technology is proposed for mining the North Urals bauxite deposits. The said technology contributes to decreasing the effect of stoping on the bump hazardous massif and increasing performance of a mining block. Results. The paper describes the relation between the breakage parameters and abutment pressure on the selvedge of the massif. It was concluded that breakage of chamber reserves with hydraulic breakers at theNorth Urals bauxite deposits reduced the effect of stoping on the bump hazardous massif.Practical Relevance.The proposed blast-free technology of mining of the North Urals bauxite deposits provides for increased production capacity, decreased mining cost and differs from the applicable process flows in having comparatively less effect on the bump hazardous massif.
underground mining, difficult mining and geological conditions, blast-free technology, hydraulic breaker, mechanical breakage.
For citation
Kholmskiy A.V., Fomin S.I. Reducing the Effect of Stoping on the Bump Hazardous Massif Using the Blast-Free Technology, when Developing the North Urals Bauxite Deposits. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2022, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 36–43.
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