DOI: 10.18503/1995-2732-2024-22-4-163-170
The article discusses the results of an experimental study of rolled M1 copper sheets shaping using polylactide tools. The shaping tool was made from polylactide using extrusion additive technology (FFF – Fused Filament Fabrication, layer-by-layer fusion of plastic). An analysis of literary sources was carried out and examples of the use of tools made of polymer material manufactured by 3D printing to perform various shaping operations of pressure processing were highlighted, which emphasizes the relevance of the issue studied in the article. The optimal modes for 3D printing of a shaping tool made of polymer material were studied and selected; an important feature of which is 100% filling at a 3D printing temperature of 210°C. Compression testing, metallographic method, microhardness measurement method, and computer modeling were chosen as research methods. The results obtained show the fundamental possibility of bending blanks made of M1 copper using polymer tools. The bending operation was simulated using the QForm program based on the results of a full-scale experiment; good agreement between calculation and experiment was obtained. For computer modeling, a material model was selected that allows to estimate the deformation resistance depending on the temperature and rate conditions of deformation, from open sources. The influence of the temperature and rate deformation regime of M1 copper samples on the evolution of the microstructure was studied. Microhardness of deformed M1samples was measured at an indenter load of 50 g according to the Vickers hardness test. Peculiarities of changes in microhardness depending on the deformation rate were revealed. The article concludes with recommendations on the possibility of using polylactide stamping tools for small- and medium-scale production.
copper M1, computer modeling, QForm simulation program, PLA polylactide, 3D-printing, microstructure, shaping, metal sheet blank
For citation
Kulikov A.D., Burlakov I.A., Petrov P.A., Polshkov P.A., Demetrashvili I.S. Shaping M1 Copper Sheet Blanks Using Tools Made of Polylactide PLA. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2024, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 163-170.
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