ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003

DSc (Eng.), Head of the Mineral Dressing Department, Saint Petersburg Mining University, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a winner of the Engineer of the Year Award in the field of the Professional Engineer, the Ferrous Metallurgy nomination; she was awarded a gold medal for the research project at the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions (Geneva, Switzerland) in 2018, 2019, the prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in research and engineering for young scientists in 2018, the certificate of appreciation from the Ministry of Education and Research of the Russian Federation in 2018.

The research results of T.N. Aleksandrova are presented in over 350 publications (including 4 monographs, 44 inventions and patents of the Russian Federation, 8 software programs, 115 research papers in foreign and Russian journals with a high impact factor included in Scopus and Web of Science.

Scientometric indicators: the h-index in the Russian Research Citation Index is 17, Scopus is 14, and Web of Science is 7. She supervised 14 holders of a PhD degree in engineering.

Tatiana N. Aleksandrova is an expert of the Russian Science Foundation. She is a head in charge of grants “Low-dimension structures of noble and rare metals in carbonaceous rocks and methods for their extraction using energy deposition based on big data” in 2018-2023; “Smart coal: Establishing a research framework for dressing carbon-containing materials” in 2023-2025. 

Research area: mineral dressing, technology of processing of refractory gold ores, energy intensification of processes of disintegrating and separating mineral raw materials.

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