ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003

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Problem Statement (Relevance): The paper describes the results of analytical studies in the field of providing rationale for organizational and management structures of cement companies by conducting an integral estimation of a set of operation conditions (manufacturability of mining and geological conditions of cement production, a level of production and technical conditions and social conditions) and outputs (a production and technical level and financial and economic performance). The integral estimation is supported by the appropriate methodology used to increase impartiality, accuracy and reliability of decisions taken on the development of technological systems of cement plants. Objective: To develop an integrated block diagram of the integral estimation algorithm for a technological structure of cement plants, including a selection of the technological system development strategy. Methods Applied: The vector norm method was used applying the methodological principles of the theory of complex decision making, the utility theory, the game theory, qualimetry, the expert survey method and other generally accepted methods and principles. Novelty: The elements of novelty include an improved method of integral estimation of the cement plant technological structure in their external and internal operational environment. Findings: The paper presents an iterative algorithm and a decision-making procedure for structurally selected groups of cement plants with an option for a specific form of their development. The findings made it possible to form the key areas of preparation and a list of information technologies ensuring technological readiness for the digitalization at cement plants. Practical Relevance: The organizational and management structure with the appropriate mathematical tool was formed to select and justify cement plant development strategies. The practical relevance of the findings of the study is due to a real possibility to increase the efficiency of organizational, technological and management solutions based on the developed methodology, technique and algorithm of planning the innovative development strategy for mining and processing companies in the cement industry. The main provisions of the research are used in EUROCEMENT holding, when developing and implementing short-term and long-term industrial production development plans.


Cement plants, technological system, vector norm, development strategy, integral-type functional.

Elena V. Zaitseva – PhD (Eng.), National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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