ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003

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Surface plastic deformation (SPD) serves as an efficient finishing and hardening technique in machine part manufacturing. When hardening low-rigidity cylindrical parts, such as shafts and axes, the conventional SPD techniques cannot offer any new opportunities. To obtain high-quality billets from calibrated steel, a new envelope SPD technique was developed that uses an annular die indenter as a working tool. Using the new technique for bar hardening ensures a con-sistent stress state along the length of the workpiece at a high strain rate. On the basis of the the-ory of small elastoplastic strains and the finite element method, a mathematical model of the en-velope SPD process was built. Such model can help determine current and residual stresses in any point of the stressed body. To ensure a stable percentage reduction of area that would not depend on the tolerance zone of the machining size, a centrifugal roller was developed which creates a stable working pressure in the deformation zone. In this arrangement the workpiece moves axially while the working tool rotates. In practice it is nearly impossible to use conven-tional hardening techniques for small low-rigidity parts or short cylindrical parts such as pins and rollers. Transverse flat plate burnishing is proposed for such parts, which does not only offer high productivity, but also greatly improves the surface layer. An oscillatory burnishing process was developed to improve the tool durability and to obtain a regular microtopography of the hardened surface. Intensified stress state, which is necessary to reduce the radial loads when working low-rigidity parts, can be achieved due to a new kinematics of the burnishing tool. Sur-face plastic deformation under constrained fixing and/or loading conditions offers a new process that ensures more intense stresses in the elastoplastic deformation zone.


Surface plastic deformation, oscillatory burnishing, centrifugal finishing, envelope hardening, transverse burnishing.

Semen A. Zaydes – DSc (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Materials Irkutsk National Research Technical University. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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