ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003

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Surface alloying of AISI 420 steel was carried out in a single vacuum cycle, and consisted of spraying a thin (0.5 μm) film of Zr-Ti-Cu alloy by electric arc spraying of a cathode of the composition Zr-6 at.% Ti-6 at.% Cu, and the subsequent irradiation of the “film (Zr-Ti-Cu alloy) / (AISI 420 steel) substrate” system with an intense pulsed electron beam. It is shown that the concentration of zirconium in the surface layer of steel decreases with an increase in the energy density of the electron beam (ES). It is established that formation of a surface alloy is accompanied by the following: formation of a cellular crystallization structure (the average cell size increases from 150 nm at ES = 20 J/cm2 to 370 nm at ES = 40 J/cm2); decomposition of a solid solution with the release of zirconium carbide particles (particle sizes increase from (10-15) nm at ES = 20 J/cm2 to (30-40) nm at ES = 40 J/cm2). Particles of the carbide phase based on chromium of the composition Cr3C2, Cr7C3 and (Cr, Fe)23С6, along with zirconium carbide particles, are revealed upon the irradiation of the “film (Zr-Ti-Cu alloy) / (AISI 420 steel) substrate” system with an intense pulsed electron beam (ES = 40 J/cm2). Chromium carbide particles have a round shape; their sizes vary from 40 nm to 60 nm. The authors analyzed phase transformation diagrams taking place under equilibrium conditions in Fe-Zr-C; Cr-Zr-C; Fe-Cr-Zr systems. It is established that ultra-high cooling rates that occur during the irradiation of the “film (Zr-Ti-Cu alloy) / (AISI 420 steel) substrate” system with an intense pulsed electron beam impose limitations on the formation of phases of the intermetallic type. It is assumed that the formation of predominantly carbide phases in the surface layer of the material is due to high mobility of carbon atoms in steel.


AISI 420 steel, electron beam processing, structure, phase composition.

Ivanov Yu., Teresov A., Petrikova E., Shugurov V. Institute of High Current Electronics, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia

Klopotov A. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Tomsk, Russia

Song G., Tang G. Tsinghua University, Shenzhen, China

Gromov V. Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Russia

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