ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003

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Problem Statement (Relevance): Backfilling systems are widespread in the extraction of very valuable ores in difficult mining and geological conditions with regard to controlling rock pressure and maintaining the stability of the excavations, especially in the rockburst prone mines. Improving the composition of backfilling concrete is currently very relevant. In the production cost of mining ore with filling of a mined-out area, a share of backfilling work accounts for 20–25%. Reducing backfilling work costs is achieved by using various types of cement-free binders, involving various kinds of chemical additives and industrial wastes. The peculiarities of the use of chemical additives in the conditions of the Far North create a list of significant limitations, which make it highly complex to manufacture plasticized filling mixtures. Objectives: a main goal was to reduce the cost of one cubic meter of backfilling concrete. At the same time, the boundary conditions were minimum adjustments to the existing technology, formulation of compositions and productivity of mills. Methods Applied: the backfilling concrete cost reduction is achieved by introducing technical lignosulfonate, a chemical additive, which allows us to reduce the water demand of mixtures by 40–60 liters per cubic meter without changing the mobility of the mixture and lowering rheological characteristics. In its turn, a more optimal water/cement ratio makes it possible to increase the strength parameters, or with a decrease in binder consumption to reach the specified strength parameters. Originality: the paper presents the results of the studies on the application of plasticized additives in the production of backfilling concrete. Findings: Numerous laboratory and pilot industrial experiments at ALROSA mines (implemented in 2005) and the Polar Division of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel resulted in a decrease in portland cement consumption of up to 50 kg / m3. Practical Relevance: on the basis of positive results of pilot industrial tests, a technological regulation was developed for the revamping of the backfilling factories of Talnakh mines and the Polar Division of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel.


Plasticizers, technical lignosulfonate, underground minig, backfilling factories, hardening backfilling concrete, backfilling techniques, artificial massif.

Antonina N. Montyanova – DSc (Eng.), General Director

LLC Backfilling Technology, Moscow, Russia

Andrey V. Trofimov – PhD (Eng.), Head of the Physical and Mechanical Research Сenter

LLC Gipronickel Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia. ORCID: 0000-0001-7557-9801

Alexandr E. Rumyantsev – PhD (Eng.), Leading Researcher

LLC Gipronickel Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia, ORCID: 0000-0002-2204-961X

Vladislav B. Vilchinskiy – PhD (Eng.), Head of the Mining Laboratory

LLC Gipronickel Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Yuri N. Nagovitsyn – Principal Engineer, Geodynamic Safety Сenter

PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia

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