ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003

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The Blast Furnace Campaign lifetime is highly depending on the wear progress of the hearth lining. This progress is monitored in general through single and double thermocouples at the cold side of the lining. This type of monitoring becomes ineffective as soon as heat resistance will be formed in the refractory lining. Paul Wurth’s monitoring system, consisting of MTP-Sensor and Heat Flux Probes, is able to identify such heat resistances to give a true hearth lining wear. Since last year Paul Wurth is also able to install safely those MTP-Sensor and Heat Flux Probes on running blast furnace without salamander tapping, thanks to a newly developed cooled core drilling device. Blast Furnaces that are equipped with Paul Wurth’s monitoring system have optimized their campaign lifetime as they received right information upon the true wear lining such as detection of heat flux transfer failure, detection and monitoring of brittle layer or detection of hot spot.


Hearth refractory’s wear observation and monitoring; Heat resistance detection; Safe core drilling without salamander tapping; Hot metal resistant sensor probe installation.

Houde J.-P., Hebel R. Paul Wurth Refractory & Engineering, Mainz-Kastel, Germany

de Oliveira A.C. Paul Wurth do Brasil, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil