ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003

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Relevance. Static var compensators are critical elements of the power supply systems designed for high-power electric steel-making complexes comprising electric arc furnaces and ladle furnaces. Static var compensators help maintain the primary voltage of furnace transformers, due to which the design capacity of steel-making furnaces can be reached. They also ensure the specified power quality is reached in the point of common coupling of arc furnaces and other electrical loads. At present, one does not find, either in Russian or foreign literature, any guidelines on how to select the static var compensator components by rated power while accounting for asymmetric operation of different classes of electric arc furnaces. The existing techniques utilized by major manufacturers of compensators for electric arc furnaces in some cases can result in overrated power for the filtering and compensation circuit and the thyristor controlled reactors, which leads to increased price and operating costs due to high active power losses in the compensator elements. In this regard, it appears to be an important task to come up with a different approach to selecting the static var compensator by rated power based on the analysis of how the sequence components of the electric arc furnace currents tend to change at different process stages. Objectives: The objective is to come up with a better technique for deciding on the power of the static var compensator elements using experimental data characterising the change of the sequence components of currents, which would ensure accuracy of calculated compensator parameters without overestimating the unit’s rated power. Methods Applied: Arrays of instantaneous values of currents and voltages of electric arc furnaces of various power ratings and classes were used as the basic initial data for theoretical studies; the MATLAB software with the Simulink application was utilized for data processing; the above mentioned environment was used to analyse the real and imaginative parts of both positive and negative sequence currents of electric arc furnaces with the help of the symmetrical component method; some methods from the theory of probability and mathematical statistics were used to determine significant variation ranges of the furnace electrical parameters. Originality: The results of this research can be described as novel as this research provides the first-of-its-kind comprehensive analysis of asymmetric operation of electric arc furnaces of different classes; based on these studies, a new technique was developed for selecting the static var compensator by rated power, which, compared with other existing techniques, ensures high accuracy of calculated compensator parameters. Findings: Regularities have been established for varying sequence components of electric arc furnace currents; the authors demonstrate how the asymmetric operation can impact the target values of susceptances and total reactive power of the electric arc furnace compensator; statistical data have been obtained on the distribution of sequence components of currents for electric arc furnaces of different classes and power ratings; a new technique has been developed for selecting the power of the static var compensator for an electric arc furnace. Practical Relevance: The results obtained are of great theoretical relevance for electrical engineering of arc furnaces and can be useful for calculating the parameters of static var compensators operated as part of the power supply systems of steel-making complexes.


Electric arc furnace, ladle furnace, static var compensator, reactive power compensation, electric power quality, asymmetrical arcing, high-order harmonic filtering, selecting the power of the static var compensator.

Aleksandr A. Nikolaev – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. ORCID:

1. Nikolaev A.A., Kornilov G.P., Yakimov I.A. Issledovanie rezhimov raboty dugovyh staleplavil'nyh pechej v komplekse so staticheskimi tiristornymi kompensatorami reaktivnoj moshchnosti. Chast' 1. [Study of operating modes of electric arc furnaces together with static var compensators. Part 1]. Elektrometallurgiya [Electrometallurgy], 2014, no. 5, рр. 15–22. (In Russ.)

2. Nikolaev A.A. Povyshenie effektivnosti raboty elektrotehnicheskogo kompleksa «dugovaja staleplavil'naja pech' – staticheskij tiristornyj kompensator»: monografiya [Enhancing the performance of the electric arc furnace – static var compensator complex: monograph]. Magnitogorsk: Publishing House of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 2017, 318 p. (In Russ.)

3. Nikolaev A.A. Povyshenie effektivnosti raboty dugovyh staleplavil'nyh pechej i ustanovok kovsh-pech' za schet primeneniya usovershenstvovannyh algoritmov upravleniya ehlektricheskimi rezhimami: monografiya [Enhancing the performance of electric arc furnaces and ladle furnaces through the application of optimised electrical control algorithms: monograph]. Magnitogorsk: Publishing House of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 2015, 161 р. (In Russ.)

4. Nikolaev A.A., Rousseau J.J., Szymansky V., Tulupov P.G. Eksperimental'noe issledovanie garmonicheskogo sostava tokov dug dlja dugovyh staleplavil'nyh pechej razlichnoj moshnosti [An experimental study of electric arc current harmonics for electric arc furnaces with different power characteristics]. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University], 2016, no. 3, рр. 106–120. (In Russ.)

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7. Morello S., Dionise T.J., Mank T.L. Installation, Startup and Performance of a Static Var Compensator for an Electric Arc Furnace Upgrade. Proceedings of the Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting. Addison, TX, USA. IEEE. 2015, рp. 1–9.

8. Kochkin V.I., Nechaev O.P. Primenenie staticheskih kompensatorov reaktivnoj moshhnosti v jelektricheskih setjah jenergosistem i predprijatij [Implementation of static var compensators in electrical grids of electrical power systems and industrial enterprises]. Moscow: ENAS Innovation Centre, 2002, 247 p. (In Russ.)

9. Reduction of SVC Capacity by Flicker Control Using Parallel Band-Pass Filters. Gibo N., Yukihira K., Deno K., Nagasaka Y. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference “Harmonics and Quality of Power” (ICHQP). Bergamo. Italy. 2010, pp. 1–6.

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11. Reactive Compensation for AC Electric Arc Furnace Considering Power Quality Constraints. Zhu X.H., Chen H.K., Hu P., Chen R.N. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference “Harmonics and Quality of Power” (ICHQP). Belo Horizonte. Brazil. 2016, pp. 919–924.

12. Fomin A.V. Analysing the methods of justifying the power of static var compensators for electric arc furnaces. Izvestija Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. Tehnicheskie nauki [Bulletin of the Tula State University. Engineering Sciences], 2010, iss. 4, part 2, pp. 35–46.

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15. Frozinova T.Yu. Povyshenie jeffektivnosti funkcionirovanija ustrojstv poperechnoj kompensacii jelektrotehnicheskih sistem jelektrotehnologij. Diss. kand. tekhn. nauk [Enhancing the performance of shunt compensating devices of electrical systems. Ph.D. dissertation]. Tula, 2013, 134 p.

16. Nikolaev A.A., Anokhin V.V., Lozhkin I.A. Estimation of accuracy of chosen SVC power for steel-making arc furnace. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM 2016), Chelyabinsk. Russia. IEEE. 2016, pp. 1–5. ICIEAM.2016.7911442.

17. Xu S., Zhao J.F., Tang G.Q. A New SVC Control Strategy for Voltage Flicker Mitigation and Integrated Compensation to Electric Arc Furnace. Proceedings of the Third International Conference “Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies”. Nanjing. China. 2008, pp. 1972–1976. 2008.4523730.

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19. Cernan M., Tlusty J. Study of the Susceptance Control of Industrial Static Var Compensator. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference of Electric Power Engineering. Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic. 2015, pp. 1–4.

20. Nikolaev A.A., Kornilov G.P., Khramshin T.R., Akay I., Gok Y. Application of Static Var Compensator of Ultra-High Power Electric Arc Furnace for Voltage Drops Compensation in Factory power Supply System of Metallurgical Enterprise. Proceedings of the Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), Calgary. Canada. IEEE. 2014, pp. 235–41.

21. Abdel-Rahman M.H., Youssef F.M., Saber A.A. New Static Var Compensator Control Strategy and Coordination with Under-Load Tap Changer. IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery. 2006, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1630–1635.

22. Son K.M., Moon K.S., Lee S.K., Park J.K. Coordination of an SVC with a ULTC Reserving Compensation Margin for Emergency Control. IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery. 2000, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1193–1198. doi: 10.1109/61.891502.

23. Nikolaev A.A., Polozyuk P.Yu., Pelagein T.E., Kornilov G.P. Vybor moshchnosti staticheskikh tiristornykh kompensatorov dlya sverkhmoshchnykh dugovykh staleplavilnykh pechey [Deciding on the power of static var compensators for ultra high-power electric arc furnaces]. Elektrotekhnicheskie sistemy i kompleksy: Mezhvuzovsky sb. nauch. tr. [Electrical Systems and Complexes: University proceedings]. Magnitogorsk: Publishing House of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 2011, vol. 19, pp. 80–84.

24. Nikolaev A.A., Kornilov G.P., Zaytsev A.S., Skakun S.V., Urmanova F.F. Obosnovanie vybora moshhnosti fil'trokompensirujushhego ustrojstva dugovoj staleplavil'noj pechi [Justifying the choice of power for the filtering and compensation device utilized in an electric arc furnace]. Glavnyj energetik [Electrical supervisor], 2015, no. 8, pp. 49–56. (In Russ.).