ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003



Determination of performance and energy-power parameters of the cutting process is a priority in improving the technology of processing of natural stone.

To study the effectiveness of the surface damage of rocks diamond abrasive tools, the authors propose a model of the contact surface of the rock cutting diamond abrasive tools.

In describing the model, the authors not only give its geometry, but the outcome of a series of mathematical functions typical for her. Introduced a coefficient that takes into account the influence of surface pre-fracture rock between two adjacent contacts of the grains. Based on the numerical value of this ratio is then possible to determine the effectiveness of surface weathering of rocks diamond abrasive tools, sound design work items of diamond abrasive tools.


Diamond grit, diamond grinding wheels, propyl, contact patch, a single cut.

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