ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003



Intensive development of production demands from sheet-rolling production of release of the thin high-quality leaf intended for manufacturing of various details and the equipment. Sheets besides optimum structure and demanded mechanical properties, should possess high quality of a surface.

Timely detection of superficial defects excludes marriage hit on the subsequent operations, and also allows to define in due time possibility of formation of marriage, its reason and in due time to take measures for prevention of formation of defect.

Results of researches are given in this work about possibility of improvement of quality of a surface of a cold rolling strip at the expense of increase of a burnishing of superficial defects of the «pin-hole» type by means of the COMPUTER.


Surface defect, regression a sample piece, cold rolling, finite-element method, flattening, exploration, the rolling mill, forming, relative depth of flaw, coefficient of friction, work roll, net reduction, case-hardening, a reference grid, simulation.

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