ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003



In article results of an estimation alignment properties unreducer high moment a hydrodrive mobile pass elevating installations are stated.

Improvement of technical and economic indicators of work mobile pass elevating installations probably in the area of increase in their productivity, decrease in their massiveness and increase in durability of traction bodies and of some knots and details of hoist engines. However the productivity increase, in turn, causes of increase in trailer loading at traction bodies that causes substantial growth of dynamic loadings in elastic elements in transitive operating modes of elevating installation.

One of ways of the decrease, constantly operating dynamic loadings of oscillatory character is application unreducer a hydraulic drive possessing alignment properties. But, nevertheless, hydrodrive possibilities at the big amplitudes of fluctuations of dynamic efforts are limited.

To increase alignment properties of a hydrodrive it is possible to carry out at the expense of increase in factor relative alignment, by introduction of flexible feedback on dynamic pressure. Correction on dynamic pressure operates quickly only in transitive modes and does not reduce power parametres of a hydrodrive, but allows to change amplitudes of dynamic efforts in set limits.


Pass elevating installation, unreducer a hydraulic drive, factor relative alignment.

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