ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003



The paper contains the analysis of the circumstances and reasons for the safety decline at Sibai underground mine. The organization chart of the pre-existing labour protection and industrial safety control system, the results of operational, objective and multipurpose inspections, as well as the results of the questionnaire survey are presented. The structure of organized manufacturing inspection department and the bodies for inspection assigned to the department experts, as well as the statistics on occupational injuries and identified violations at the plant are also presented.


Industrial safety, production control, questionnaire survey, injuries monitoring function.

Belonogov Oleg Vitalyevich – Head of management of production control occupational health and safety of the mining industry SF «Uchalinsky GOK», Sibay, Bashkortostan. Phone: (34775) 4-20-13. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Trilyev Anton Evgenievich – Engineer PLC «InEcO», Chelyabinsk, Russia. Phone: (351) 265-55-04. Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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