ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003



The results of study of the inertial loads effect on the parameters of loading joints, bearings and drive of the hunting hinged lever motion of varietal continuous casting machine crystallizer were shown. During the research it was found that the crystallizer hunting frequency and hunting motion static imbalance cause the inertial loads. Hunting motion component loading dependencies on the crystallizer hunting frequency and air pressure in the balancing air dampers, which should be taken into account in setting up the crystallizer hunting motion under production environment, were obtained by mathematic simulation.


CCM, hunting motion, inertial force, static instability, the reaction force, loading, air damper.

Sotnikov Alexei Leonidovich – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine. Phone: +38 (062) 301-08-39. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Rodionov Nikolai Aleksandrovich – Postgraduate Student, Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine. Phone: +38 (062) 301-08-39. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Jurba Valery Vladimirovich – Associate Professor, Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine. Phone: +38 (062) 301-08-39. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

1. Sidorov V.A., Zolkin I.G. Research into the causes of faults of the drive moving of the caster refrigerator. Vibratsiya mashin: izmerenie, snizhenie, zashhita [Vibration machines: measurement, reduction , protection]. 2005, no. 1, pp. 21-24.

2. Eronko S.P., Sotnikov A.L., Sedush V.S. Reshetniak N.S., Sergeechev Z.S., Kolesnik E.V. Study of the kinematics of the robot arm to quickly replace submerged nozzles during continuous casting of steel. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2006, no 1, pp. 44-49.

3. Sotnikov A.L. Control alignment equipment caster. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2006, no. 1. pp. 24-27.

4. Sotnikov A.L. Deviations rollers secondary cooling zone of the technological axis caster. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2006, no 2, pp. 43-48.

5. Sidorov V.A., Sotnikov A.L. Modeling gaps in the joints of the linkage mechanism of mold oscillation caster. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2006, no. 3. pp. 48-57.

6. Sotnikov A.L. The method of operational control of the mold alignment with the axis of the stream of technological caster. Vibratsiya mashin: izmerenie, snizhenie, zashhita [Vibration machines: measurement, reduction, protection]. 2006, no. 1, pp. 32-35.

7. Sholomitsky A.A., Sotnikov A.L., Adamenko V.I. Control of the geometric parameters of continuous casting machine. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2007, no. 3, pp. 27-30.

8. Kovalev R.V., Sotnikov A.L. A mathematical model of the mold oscillator. Vibratsiya mashin: izmerenie, snizhenie, zashhita [Vibration machines: measurement, reduction, protection]. 2008, no 3, pp. 47-58.

9. Sotnikov A.L., Diagnostic bearing units model of mold oscillator. Vibratsiya mashin: izmerenie, snizhenie, zashhita [Vibration machines: measurement, reduction, protection]. 2008, no. 4, pp. 48-54.

10. Mogilniy S.G., Sholomitsky A.A., Sotnikov A.L. Geodetic works when checking alignment equipment of continuous casting machine. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2009, no. 2, pp. 19-27.

11. Sidorov V.A., Sotnikov A.L., Nesterov A.L. Investigation of the influence of air pressure in the air spring of oscillator on the motion parameters of the mold caster. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2009, no. 4, pp. 14-19.

12. Sidorov V.A., Sotnikov A.L. Control of current movement of the mold with the technological axis of caster. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2010, no. 3, pp. 34-39.

13. Sotnikov A.L. Vibrameasurement method of diagnosing bearings of CCM mold oscillator. Vibratsiya mashin: izmerenie, snizhenie, zashhita [Vibration machines: measurement, reduction, protection]. 2010, no. 3, pp. 27-32.

14. Eronko S.P., Sotnikov A.L., Kotelevets A.A., Chechenev V.A. Autonomous rotor system of dispensing slag-forming mixture into the mold caster. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2011, no. 2. pp. 10-18.

15. Mogilniy S.G., Sholomitsky A.A., Lunev A.A., Sotnikov A.L., Vatralik E.M., Frolov I.S. Improving the status and control technology equipment of CCM. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2012, no. 3, pp. 12-25.

16. Eronko S.P., Sotnikov A.L., Tkachev M.U. Improving the system of fast change of the immersion nozzle for slab CCM. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2012, no. 3, pp. 26-38.

17. Sidorov V.A. Analysis of the modes of CCM mold oscillators. Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyshlennost' [Metallurgical and Mining Industry]. 2010, no. 6, pp. 90-93.

18. Sidorov V.A. Definition of boundaries operating condition of CCM mold oscillators. Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyshlennost' [Metallurgical and Mining Industry]. 2011, no. 1, pp. 98-102.

19. Sotnikov A.L., Nagorniy V.M., Orobtsev A.Y., Ptukha S.V., Rodionov N.A. Normalization of modes and levels of vibration of CCM mold oscillator. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2013, no 1, pp. 44-54.

20. Sotnikov A.L., Rodionov N.A., Olszewski A.A., S. Ptukha S.V. Calculation of pre-tightening force of thread joints of the reducer hollow shaft. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2013, no 2, pp. 50-57.

21. Sidorov V.A. Research of vibration state of mould oscillating mechanism of CCM. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2013, no. 2, pp. 58-68.

22. Sidorov V.A., Sotnikov A.L., Ptukha S.V. Maintenance and repair of CCM mold oscillatior. Metallurgicheskie protsessy i oborudovanie [Metallurgical processes and equipment]. 2009, no. 4, pp. 39-43.

23. Sotnikov A.L., Rodionov N.A. Equilibration of mould oscillating mechanism of CCM. Zbіrnik naukovikh prats' Donbas'kogo derzhavnogo tekhnіchnogo unіversitetu [Proceedings of Donbass State Technical University]. Iss. 35. Alchevsk: State Technical University, 2011, pp. 102-106.

24. Rodionov N.A. Study of durability of bearing of mould oscillating mechanism of CCM. Sovremennoe mashinostroenie. Nauka i obrazovanie: materialy 3-j Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konferentsii [Modern engineering. Science and Education: Proceedings of the 3rd. scientific and practical]. S. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Polytechnic University, 2013, pp. 371-378.

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