ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003



The described method allows us to determine the values of the unknown parameters that characterize the work of the "formation-borehole-equipment", only in case of measured values of the liquid rate during well operation in different modes with unknown Кпр. This is particularly important in establishing technological modes of wells, whose drilling is recently stopped, and especially of controlled directional wells, where the values of the required parameters cannot be determined by direct measurement, and the determination of their values by dynamic levels is associated with low accuracy due to phase redistribution of a gas-liquid mixture in the well-bore.

In these cases, to determine required operating pa-rameters of the system, lines of pressure increment are drawn by the above procedure on any paper, and then, by moving it along the nomogram until it coincides with one of the curves, the values of the required parameters are determined.

Applying the above procedure, by one or several val-ues of one of measured parameters characterizing the operation of an individual unit, the nomogram also allows us to determine values of other parameters required to establish the optimal operation mode of the system "formation-borehole-equipment" as a whole, for example, the equipment at a rate of flow, etc.

These values of liquid lifting speed in a column of the well, given in the nomogram, allow us to determine time required to:

– get pressure increment sufficient to determine other parameters with accuracy satisfying solutions of tasks;

– restore full pressure in the well to formation pres-sure.

Parameters characterizing the operation of the well and found by such procedure contribute to determination of relevant operation parameters of the formation, and vice versa, which facilitates the task of establishing not only the operation mode of an oil-bearing formation as a whole, but also parameters of individual streaks, making up the oil-bearing formation.


Options, methods, nomogram, factor, formula, pressure, rate, equipment.

Ziyangirov Artur Ramilevich – Postgraduate Student, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Russia. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Gabdrakhimov Mavlitzyan Sagityanovich – D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor Ufa State Petroleum Technological Univer-sity, a branch in the city of Oktyabrsky, Russia.

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