This paper examines special features of wear of rolls of universal stands, when rolling wide-flange beams. A stress and strain state of metal in two deformation zones, when shaping beam walls and flanges was studied. The results of calculating a rolling process are represented in diagrams of the distribution of normal and tangential stresses along arcs of contact and width of a beam deformation zone with horizontal and edging rolls. The paper contains diagrams of the distribution of a difference in speeds of metal of beams and points of a butt end of a horizontal roll in a zone of their contact. Reasons and laws governing the distribution of normal and tangential stresses in two deformation zones, when rolling wide-flange beams, were determined. Results of an experimental study of wear of horizontal composite rolls of a universal beam mill, when rolling wide-flange beams, are given.
Universal stand, wide-flange beam, deformation zone, composite roll, normal and tangential stresses, wear, speed of metal.
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