DOI: 10.18503/1995-2732-2024-22-2-170-180
The article describes the results of applicability of risk management methods and tools at a high-tech machine-building enterprise with vibration active equipment and shows that the efficiency conditions and the principles of risk management applied at such enterprises are based on key requirements established in the international quality management standards. By applying the diakoptics method, the authors brought the original mathematical or dynamic model to a low-dimensional model and assessed the performance risks for vibration active equipment used at a high-tech enterprise. The analysis of the dynamic properties of equipment required a transition from a complex technological system to a simplified model, which could be divided into relatively isolated subsystems using the diakoptics method. This transition provided an opportunity to identify potential risks. This approach was found to have an impact on improving the product quality, minimizing risks, reducing failures, and improving the production process in general. The success of minimizing risks and improving safety at machine-building plants is an opportunity to monitor changes in the vibration state of process equipment and perform timely diagnostics. These measures can make it possible to identify potential problems and take preventive measures. Limited to the analysis of the probability of technical wear of equipment at the machine-building enterprise as one of the critical factors for improving its performance, the article puts forward innovative principles for implementing a synthesis of methods and tools intended to reduce risks of vibration active equipment. This fact determines the urgency of research into dynamic processes that occur on high-tech equipment used at machine-building enterprises.
high-tech enterprises, risk management, vibration active equipment, quality management system standards, Deming cycle, diakoptics method
For citation
Lontsikh P.A., Golovina E.Yu., Lontsikh N.P., Livshits I.I. Methods and Tools of Risk Management at a High-Tech Machine-Building Enterprise with Vibration Active Equipment. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2024, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 170-180.
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