ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003

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DOI: 10.18503/1995-2732-2023-21-3-42-50


Problem Statement (Relevance). The Urals has been a metallurgical center of Russia for several centuries, resulting in large volumes of accumulated slag. The study on the material composition of slags is a relevant task, because before they are disposed of, it is necessary to evaluate their mineral composition. Many slags are potential ore that can be further processed. Objectives. The research is aimed at studying the material (mineral) composition of boron-containing slags from the Klyuchevsky Ferroalloy Plant obtained during the production of ferroboron. Methods Applied. The chemical composition of rock-forming and ore minerals of the slag was determined on a CAMECA SX 100 electron probe microanalyzer with five wave spectrometers (the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg). To carry out the analysis, we used polished petrographic thin sections cut from pieces of slag. Originality. The study on the material composition of the slags was carried out from the point of view of classical mineralogy, using the modern mandatory nomenclature of the International Mineralogical Association. Findings. The mineralogy of boron-containing slags from the Klyuchevsky Ferroalloy Plant was studied for the first time. It has been established that they are composed of a hibonite-Ca-Al-oxyborate aggregate with a significant content of spinel, corundum and various borides, as well as chromferide and calcium and potassium chloraluminates. These slags are wastes of ferroboron production, and the temperature of their formation is estimated within narrow limits, namely 1350-1460°C. Practical Relevance. The slags studied by us can be used for additional processing, because rock-forming spinel and hibonite, as well as accessory calcium hexaboride, are a good abrasive material, while manganese and iron borides formed as by-products (they are easily separated by magnetic separation) can be further used at a metallurgical processing stage.


hibonite, spinel, Ca-Al-oxyborate, borides, mineralogy, slags, Klyuchevsky Ferroalloy Plant

For citation

Vladimir S. Ponomarev – PhD (Geology and Mineralogy), Senior Researcher, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. ORCID 0000-0002-1651-1281

Yury V. Erokhin – PhD (Geology and Mineralogy), Lead Researcher, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. ORCID 0000-0002-0577-5898

Nadezhda N. Farrakhova – Researcher, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. ORCID 0000-0002-3067-4044

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