ISSN (print) 1995-2732
ISSN (online) 2412-9003

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DOI: 10.18503/1995-2732-2022-20-2-5-12


Problem Statement (Relevance). The approach to the fourth industrial revolution has effect on all spheres of human activity. Today, robotization gains an area for development in Russian and global practice. The coal mining industry in Russia is no exception, where robotization has begun to be used in road transport. The experience gained in open-pit coal mining of gently dipping deposits with the robotization of road transport at SUEK-Khakassia LLC allows us to evaluate the results and substantiate the rational parameters of this technology. Objectives. The study involves the selection and substantiation of rational process parameters to increase the operational speed of robotic road transport in open-pit coal mining of gently dipping deposits. Methods Applied. To carry out the study, the method of time studies, analytical calculations, simulation modeling and a factor analysis is used. Originality. Regarding the technology of open-pit coal mining of gently dipping deposits, five categories of the quality of the operating conditions of robotic road transport are substantiated. The transition from the first category to the fifth one will increase the operating speed of dump trucks up to 5 times and decrease cost of operation by 1.5 times. Result. Evaluation of the results of open-pit coal mining at a gently dipping deposit with robotization of road transport at SUEK-Khakassia LLC made it possible to reveal that the values of efficiency indicators for the use of these machines achieved during the pilot operation of robotic vehicles were significantly lower than the target ones. The factor analysis has showed that the actual process operation parameters of robotic road transport determined by foreign experience in mining deposits with sinking and mixed development systems do not achieve the target indicators for efficiency of using such machines for gently dipping deposits. The justified parameters of the quality categories of the robotic road transport operating conditions for gently dipping deposits contribute to changes in the quality of operating conditions, an increase in the operational speed of such road transport, and set the basis for achieving the values of all target indicators of efficiency of the technology being mastered.


robotization, road transport, technology parameters, quality of operating conditions.

For citation

Azev V.A., Gartman A.A., Кhazhiev V.A. Technology Parameters of Open-Pit Coal Mining of Flat Dipping Deposits Using Robotization of Road Transport.Vestnik Magnitogorskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta im. G.I. Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2022, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 5–12.

Azev V.A. SUEK-Khakassia LLC, Chernogorsk, Russia

Gartman A.A. SUEK-Khakassia LLC, Chernogorsk, Russia

Кhazhiev V.A. Research Institute of Efficiency and Safety of Mining, Chelyabinsk, Russia

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